alternative solutions for a vaginal prep

Specialties Operating Room


What are people using if patient is allergic to betadine for internal lady partsl preps ? Phisohex says for external use only and Hibiclens says not to use on genitalia.

it is not recommended to use hibiclens as lady partsl prep or to dilute it. hibiclens is 4% chg and 4% alcohol. check out this article published in the american college of obgyns showing what can happen when we prep with hibiclens (i have the article pdf if you would like me to send it to you):

the problem with hibiclens is the concentration of chg plus the alcohol. however, many studies support the use of chg in lady partsl mucosa at concentrations less than 1%.

irrisept is a 0.05% chg concentration that is fda cleared as an irrigation system. the company does not have specific claims to be used as vag prep. hospitals are using it off-label due to the published literature showing this concentration is safe and effective.

betadine used in lady partsl mucosa is also off-label. betadine is not effective in the presence of blood and should be allowed to dry. . . we all know it does not dry in the lady partsl vault.

Thank you so much for this information, I'll continue to spread the word. I have had one concilatory communication from a surgeon & another very terse one! I even did a personal experiment so I KNOW we're right! :eek:

Thanks again, Rachel


Yes please may I have a pdf version of the report too. My work email is [email protected]

Cheers, Rachel

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