Alternative meds? You'll never believe this one!!

Nurses Humor


I am an office nurse and these are "daily doses of a patients reality"!!!

A familiar scene in the office!!

A new patient arrives and the "Med List" needs to be created.

One day I asked a new patient about her medications.

The patient listed




and WD40!

Now...This is the truth..

I cautiously asked her what she did with the WD40..???

Fearing the worst I held my breath,

She gave me a toothless smile and replied:

"I use it to grease my joints every two weeks!!!!"

Her daughter grinned and attested to the fact saying ...

"Mama always keeps WD40 in her drug cupboard to grease her elbows and knees."

They were both serious :-)

PS. I do live in TN!!!!! :-)

Share your funny med stories!!!!

have a great day!!

Joy and Smiles *Darla**

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

I have heard for severe upset stomach to take a tbsp of apple cider vinegar. I suffer from gall bladder pains and so I tried it once...sure enough! It worked!

My best story was actually from my hubby who is a paramedic! A woman with complaints of severe constipation called 9-11 because of rectal bleeding. She was from a Asian country and was very into the culture and cultural therapies.

Once on hubby learned that their remedy in that family was to get a rose, take off the rose bloom and leaves and keep the thorns! It is put up the rectum to try to break apart the impaction. Okay it may do that...but OUCH!!!!!!!!!!

SHe was taken to a local hospital and given a unit or two of blood because they had done this TID for a week! OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!!!

Talk about no pain no gain??? OUCHIE!!!!!!!

I don't think that they were trying to be rude or anything.. I'm sure we do things that are weird to people who aren't from around here. I think they are just referencing the fact that it is someone from a different culture.. this is suppose to be humerous not for anyone to pick apart at

I heard that the lifeguards by the beach used to carry windex with them for jellyfish stings, I guess it really works. I have a friend that got sprayed down with windex and she said it worked great.. Leave it to the Jersey Shore :wink2:

Specializes in Jill of all trades, master of none?.

I know two people who did (and probably still do) this. With one of them, his overall health improved dramatically, his chronic pain disappeared, his skin looked 20 years younger, and his grey hair grew back in dark. The other also drinks it regularly (he's in his 80's) and used urine packs on a brown recluse bite in his inguinal area (he refused all other treatment). I was terrified for him, but he recovered.

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