Airforce Inquiry


Hi all,

I am seriously considering joining the airforce as a nurse after I graduate with my BSN December 2008 and pass my boards. I've heard conflicting stories about the experiences of airforce nurses experiences from other people word of mouth...(one hand, poor conditions of nursing facilities in Iraq, descrepancies in the salary actually paid vs the salary promised, drastic shortstaffing, locked into contract for life. etc), then I hear the good side that the recruiter is saying about all the benefits and what not. I also spoke to a few retired nurses who said that they loved AF nursing, but they've also been in the AF for many years and we're in a different time now. So is there anyone who is an air force nurse now, during the current wartime, who can share the REAL DEAL experience to help me with my decision..? Also, not that I would mind getting deployed to Iraq, but what area in nursing is less likely to do so? And what are the questions that are important to ask the recruiter? I just want to be well informed so that I can make the right decision, plus I don't want to get BSed by my recruiter, cuz I've heard what liars they can be. Thanks for your help, sorry for the long autobiography...

Also, not that I would mind getting deployed to Iraq, but what area in nursing is less likely to do so?

It sounds like you actually do mind being deployed and are trying to avoid that eventuality. If you're interested in working with or for the government there are a wide multitude of civilian agencies that have no chance of deploying; if your hesitant to deploy, don't waste your's or the recruiter's time.


It sounds like you actually do mind being deployed and are trying to avoid that eventuality. If you're interested in working with or for the government there are a wide multitude of civilian agencies that have no chance of deploying; if your hesitant to deploy, don't waste your's or the recruiter's time.


Well I wasn't asking for the sake of myself, but more so for my mother, because she's not exactly thrilled at the prospect of me deploying. I, personally, don't mind being deployed.

I can't say anything about Nursing in the Air Force, But I can tell you about the AF. Air Force treat their people the best. You will deploy, they try to make it predictable by assigning you to an AEF, but emergencies do pop up. Just because you are in your deployment window does not mean you will go to Iraq. I have been deployed to Croatia, Italy, and Kuwait during my AEF windows. I have never been to Iraq. I am going back into the AF as a Nurse if that tells you anything.

thanks, what is an AEF?

thanks, what is an AEF?

AEF = Aero Epeditionary Force, It is hard to explain with out confusing you and me. It basically tries to put stablility into forecasting your deployments. I'm not sure how they are running it now but when I was in the AF (been out 3 years now) every 18-24 months you would be in your window that lasts for 3 months and if they need you to deploy, you will. I want to say for a max of 179 days. Deploy doesn't necessarily mean to a war zone, but you can go to Iraq or Afghanistan. Maybe I am mistaken on the times but I think I am pretty close. bottom line if you join the military you will deploy or be sent TDY

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