Aiken Technical College LPN students or hopefuls 2018

U.S.A. South Carolina


What are your points, gpa, and what semester are you hoping to attend? I'm hoping to get into the fall. Do anyone know if there is any extra points that go toward the points than the points on the application?

Has anyone received their packet today? Wasn't one in my mailbox.

Has anyone received their packet today? Wasn't one in my mailbox.

I haven't checked my mail, but I doubt it came today.

I havnt checked my box yesterday but none for me as yet.

I noticed the background check is kind of pricey.. do anyone know what it all cover? Can't be just a background check

I noticed the background check is kind of pricey.. do anyone know what it all cover? Can't be just a background check

Background, drug test, & a compliance checker. I did monthly payments!

I noticed the background check is kind of pricey.. do anyone know what it all cover? Can't be just a background check

It's the background check and drug test and some other things. You can break it down in monthly payments

Got my packet!

I got mine just now. It looks like I got accepted into the LPN program for sure. Thanks guys

I got mine just now. It looks like I got accepted into the LPN program for sure. Thanks guys

Congrats!! Can't wait for orientation.

Hey guys I have a question. Where do we go for the vaccinations record and to get the vaccination we don't have? I'm assuming the health department.. My doctor is swamped and if I make an appointment I will not get seen before the program. My anxiety got me going í ½í¸

Hey guys I have a question. Where do we go for the vaccinations record and to get the vaccination we don't have? I'm assuming the health department.. My doctor is swamped and if I make an appointment I will not get seen before the program. My anxiety got me going ������

I got my vaccination record from my pediatrician. I went to Doctor's Care for my physical and everything else, BUT only did the physical. They wanted to charge $235 for just the MMR titer. I plan on going to the health department. Idk if they do the titers though. I'm going to call tomorrow.

You can just go to the normal Dr. and test your blood that if you have immunity

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