AHS Closes Transition Units


RAH's units will be closed at the end of February, displacing over 40 workers.

We're hearing that the staff will be "absorbed" into existing Medicine units. I know that the float pool has vacancies but really?

Will the bumping begin?

When will the Transitional Care Units in Calgary be closed?

The units at RAH were supposed to close in 2012 and were kept open "for Flu season".

Specializes in Home Care.

What? Where is RAH?

We have God only knows how many people waiting for higher level beds in CowTown.

Where are all those transitional bed people going?

Specializes in geriatrics.

I'm not surprised. AHS is very short sighted and only concerned about the bottom line. I suspect more closures are coming, and then, in a few years, AHS will worry that there aren't enough services. In the North Zone, from month to month, no one knows what will happen with hospitals and LTC units.

Specializes in geriatrics.

RAH is the Royal Alex in Edmonton.

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