Published Aug 14, 2010
6 Posts
hi!can anyone help me assist to start processing my canadian RN application. I just recently registered on this blog and I want to ask if someone knows an agency in the Philippines which can help me process my papers up to taking the exam for CRNE? thanks a lot...hoping for a favorable reply
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
You would be best to fill out your own applications.Most agencies are just out for your money and make promises they can't keep.They have also been known to have nurses sign contracts with outrageous cancellation fees so you can't escape.An agency can't make things happen any faster than doing it yourself.There is absolutely no reason you cannot fill out your own application forms. Remember, you are not applying to take the CRNE, you are applying for a nursing license and the CRNE is just part of the process. Contact the college of nurses in the province you want to live in(the links are in a sticky at the top of the Canadian Forum) and they will tell you how to proceed.
thanks loriangel...=)
Good luck.Let us know how you get on.
210 Posts
@ pongsky: why do you need to have an agency? You can do it yourself. If you need help with any of the process, you can ask here in the forum or you can PM me. I am an RN here in Canada.
8,343 Posts
Questions like this always raise a flag for me. If the OP can't figure out the application forms to work here, how will they handle the paperwork at work or in everyday life?
Sometimes you have to figure things out for yourself.
RN,RM,MAN( units)
2 Posts