Published Nov 30, 2022
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,706 Posts
Looking for feedback...if you have 1:1 nurse for a student, contracted by your district, from an outside agency, WHO is writing the initial plan of care for the student? Obtaining orders for feeds, treatments etc. The agency or the school nurse where the student is. Keeping in mind, the school nurse presumably has no authority over an agency nurse. Thinking about delegation, especially with when a substitute is needed.
Glitternurse, LVN
357 Posts
I hope you had a good thanksgiving and a restful break.
For our district, I believe, the school nurse, (my supervisor) writes the plan of care. She is also the link between the agency, the agency nurse and the parent. She does not have authority over the agency nurse, but since agency nurses can come and go, she is the consistent factor. Also if a student is in need of a 1:1 there is usually a 504 or IEP in place that the school nurse is responsible for the medical/nurse portion. I hope this helps.
I did and I hope you did as well. Thanks...the lines seem to be murky and it seems that the agency's thoughts are we only provide the body, that the school hired us for. Yet, as stated, we have no authority over the person in that role. So no authority yet, all the ultimate responsibility? I worry about the different levels of licensing. In particular, the agency nurse is an LPN and I am an RN.
55 minutes ago, NutmeggeRN said: I did and I hope you did as well. Thanks...the lines seem to be murky and it seems that the agency's thoughts are we only provide the body, that the school hired us for. Yet, as stated, we have no authority over the person in that role. So no authority yet, all the ultimate responsibility? I worry about the different levels of licensing. In particular, the agency nurse is an LPN and I am an RN.
I did as well, Thank you,
That is the agencies attitude here as well. It is an odd dynamic for sure.
The agency nurses we have had have been good about talking with the CSN for questions and guidance.
For scope of practice check the LPN licensing board and ask you public health dept. if they have some kind of guidelines delineating the various role in a school setting. I attached what I have for California.
Good luck
lvn role.pdf
Thank you!