After 8 Years of Preparation With a Rollercoaster Ride, I Passed NCLEX-RN (2nd Attempt)

My preparation for the NCLEX-RN exam took eight years in the making. I would to share my experience how it happened and I hope that I could be an inspiration to everyone, especially to all the graduates of Nursing who made numerous attempts in taking the exam but still failed. Nurses Announcements Archive Article


After 8 Years of Preparation With a Rollercoaster Ride, I Passed NCLEX-RN (2nd Attempt)

I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2006 here in the Philippines. This is my second college degree and my first was Hotel and Restaurant Management. In June 2006, I took the Philippine Nurse Licensure Exams and passed. However, the exam was tainted with controversy and I surrendered my license and retook it in June 2007. I passed again with flying colors in 2007. After passing, my next step was taking the CGFNS as a requirement for applying licensure in Michigan BON. However, I failed.

In January 2008, I applied for Vermont BON and they approved my documents. In May, I also landed in a hospital job. I had only a limited time to study because I preferred to take some sleep and I handled 7 to 9 patients in every shift. I also got unmotivated to study because I felt that I was bullied by my colleagues and the Infectious Disease doctor. However, I set a schedule to take the exam in March 2009.

My world got devastated in Sept. 2008 when my father suffered a stroke. Mom and I took care of him hand in hand. I resigned from work in Oct. 2008 to help my Mom in taking care of my Dad. Then came March 2009 and I took NCLEX. However, after 256 questions, I failed. During that time, I felt heaven and earth fell on top of me. I tried to reapply for a retake in VT BON but they told me to take a review course. I paid US$275 to retake. After a year, I kissed $275 goodbye. I wasted it because I don't have time to attend a review course due to my new job as a call center agent for a hotel chain, which is my current job. Still, I kept on reading and browsing my only reviewer, which is the Saunders Comprehensive Review for NCLEX-RN.

My father died in 2013 and I decided to take the NCLEX-RN exam again. This time, I applied for licensure by exam in Michigan BON, my Aunt's home state. Two of their requirements were a headache for me: fingerprint card and the CES credentials. It took me 1 1/2 year and a payment of $400+ that was wasted to complete the 2 requirements. Finally, in July 2015, MI BON gave me an approval to take the exam but I was not prepared yet. It took me until Dec. 2015 to decide when to take it and I firmly made a decision to take the exam on March 8, 2016 here in Manila.

Since that I am also working on a night shift duty, I only have 2 hours daily to study. Oftentimes, I do not follow that routine because I always feel tired everytime I arrive from home. Two and a half weeks before March 8, I decided not to read Saunders anymore and proceed to answer practice questions via Saunders website. I only answered 2500 questions because I was running out of time.

On the day of the exam, I arrived in test area early. When I sat down before taking the exam, I said a short prayer. My exam was full of multiple choice and SATAs. When I reached the 75th question, I was hoping that the computer would shut off after. However, it did not! I got rattled because it was another set of multiple choice and SATA questions. My brain was already drained and I knew I would fail. The computer shut off after question no.139.

I felt devastated after the exam and I called my Mom and my younger brother in San Antonio, TX to purchase the Quick Results because I do not want to prolong my agony of waiting.

Two days after March 8, Mom sent me a message that I passed. At first, I did not believe her but when I opened the NCSBN website, it was true that I PASSED!!! A few hours later, I opened the MI BON website and I saw my permanent license number. Now, I am waiting for my license to be mailed and I do not care on how long I will receive my license for as long as I knew, I PASSED!

I would like to share some tips on how you can pass and I hope these will help you:

1. Always use one reviewer only.

If you have 3 reviewers, read them one at a time and weigh it to yourself on which among the 3 will give you more chances of gaining information and that you can rely on. When you made a decision in which one, please review that reviewer or manual ONLY! In my case, I only used Saunders.

2. Allot Study Time

If you are working, whether you are in a hospital setting or not, and you want to review (just like me!), when you get home, allot 2 to 3 hours of your time daily and make it as your study session. Refrain from browsing your FB, Instagram, Viber or any social media account, otherwise, you will get addicted browsing your FBs or social media account instead of you are allotting your time to review. If you feel sleepy because you get tired from work, take some rest first and set your alarm clock on what time you are going to study. You may spread out the 2 to 3 hours, especially during your day offs or rest days.

3. After reading, do practice questions.

One website suggested that you answer at least 4000 to 5000 questions. Again, spread out your time to do practice questions. For example, if you have only 30 days to prepare before your exam, you divide 4000 questions to thirty days and that is the number that you have to answer in a day. If you are using a Smartphone, upload apps that have NCLEX based questions. Some apps are free. Again, refrain from browsing your social media accounts and do the browsing after review.

4. One to 2 days before the exam, STOP REVIEWING EVERYTHING!

Go out and chat with your friends personally or via social media. On the night before your exam, sleep early and get at least a continuous 8 to 10 hour sleep so that you will have lots of energy on the day of your exam in case your computer has not yet shut off on the 75th question.

5. Finally, PRAY.

Believe in the power of prayer. Do not be selfish that you are praying that you only pass the exams but also pray for others who are also taking the exam at the same time as yours that they will also pass. If you are an atheist or a spiritual person, wish them good luck.

I hope that with my sharing, I inspire people not to lose hope and they will pass the exams at a right time. Now, I'm planning to return to Nursing profession and I will proceed to the Philippine Nurses thread of this website and ask if there are hospitals here Manila with a Nursing refresher course with IVT training because it has been 8 years since I have worked in a hospital setting.

Please excuse my English because this is not my first language. GOOD LUCK to all who will be taking the NCLEX in days and months from and I hope all of you will pass and have that precious license in your possession.

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U are truly an inspiration specially to us being a first time to take. Even though this is my first time, it feels like We are on the same page. I am 11 years out of school, yes it is so scared to take this exam but will definitely try it and win it. Thanks for advice

Don't be scared and don't let yourself succumb to pressure. You can do it. Just be focused and not to overanalyze.

How did you study for medication? I was thinking about getting a Kaplan medication book

To tell you honestly, I do not have any particular manual nor a reviewer about medications. I only googled "medication mnemonics for nurses" and there are good links that will help you recall the dosages, route, uses, side and adverse effects. Also, during the exam, I only encountered around 5 to 7 medication questions out of 139 questions I have answered. I recalled the following: insulin, Marplan, and lithium.

mon2x_RN said:
Don't be scared and don't let yourself succumb to pressure. You can do it. Just be focused and not to overanalyze.

Thanks for advice

I had lot of meds question like psych meds and calcium chanel blockers, ace inhibitors

kiatkiat said:
I had lot of meds question like psych meds and calcium chanel blockers, ace inhibitors

Oh okay, because I haven't seen anybody talk about Medications on there test. Just wanted to see how everyone study for that.

Thank you

Congratulations! I took the Phil. NLE Dec.2005. I'm just wondering if MI BON has a time frame on the no. of years since you graduated. I called last month and was told should be within 2 years after graduation. Thank you!

Congratulations! I took the Phil. NLE Dec.2005. I'm just wondering if MI BON has a time frame on the no. of years since you graduated. I called last month and was told should be within 2 years after graduation. Thank you!

My friend graduated Mar 2005 and she just took her Nclex last February 2016 no time frame from what she experienced.

None at all. I graduated in 2006. There's no timeframe.