African American Hair Problems in Nursing

Nurses Professionalism


I'm not sure how many people can help me with this problem but here it is. I can't keep up with my relaxed hair and want to get box braids for low maintenance . There are other people at my job that have box braids; however, I got an interview with my dream job. I'm worried that is I get box braids that I'll look unprofessional. So would it be ok if I went to the interview with the braids or keep my hair relaxed till I landed the job?

This is a zombie thread...brought back to I hesitate to comment.

Though, as an AA woman, I've been thinking of hair issues recently.

I commented previously, yet want to add my most recent experiences and opinions. Because....well...AN is here to help other nurses.

I remain of of the mind set that it's best to assimilate into the dominant culture In order to obtain a job.

I, myself, have recently started working in a prestigious, well paying RN position. I have chosen to spend the money to maintain my hair in a style that can approximate the style of my peers.

At times, I feel that this is me being "fake"; however, I want to fit in. After all, people are often not hired due to the obiquitous reason of "not fitting in".

While i feel this is not an ideal situation for one to feel forced to succumb to, I also recently spoke to a person who is a new medical provider. She is AA, homosexual, and looks the part: dresses in male clothes, short hair in dreds. She is beautiful and I love her. She complained to me this week about how she's been called racial slurs and treated poorly due to her outer looks. She told me that she's noticed she's treated better when she tries to look more feminine/soft.

She was highly distressed that people wild treat her poorly, considering she has the same credentials as others in her organization.

No, I don't think anyone should be judged on solely looks. However, this is often reality.

I can only speak from my be okay with assimilation and discrimination of any kind is not an option for me in my daily life or my workplace. There are things you keep at home and things you bring to work, but my morals are not something I will keep at home.

The hair you were born with, styles that are culturally specific or religiously specific, or how masculine/feminine you are --- should never be something that is ALLOWED to be judged by employers. The fact that it is does not mean I will just go along with it to make nice and get a job.

The fact that you are choosing to wear your hair in a way that you don't really want to, to appease your employers is enough to know that it isnt right. I would tell that coworker who is being harassed to go to the proper channels in HR so that they can handle any situation that makes her uncomfortable in the workplace.

Im of thr mindset if never wanting to grace an employer with my presence, professionalism, or hard work who would hold prejudice against ANYONE.

Specializes in Med Surg/ Pedi, OR.

When our Hair is relaxed.... the Other race of people are relaxed. They don't understand why we wear OUR own HAIR. But they question when WE have different color hair and different styles due to wigs and weaves. I'm trying to figure out Who are We trying to please?

I wore my hair straight for the interview and have been at this job for 2 years and love it. This place doesn't care about hair as long as it is a natural color lol.

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