AF Nursing, yes or no?


I'm 33 years old, with an ADN. I'm to start a BSN program in January, graduating in Dec` 2011. I'm trying to decide if the Airforce is for me. I have 3 young boys, recently remarried, to a loving husband who is willing to move with me if needed. I'm worried about not being about to make it through COT, or being away from my family for 5 weeks.

I know the advancement and retirement are great for RNs in the Airforce.

Anyone able to give me advice? I have a phone call appt with the health recruiter to discuss things, but would like some honest feedback, from someone without an agenda.

:) Thanks!

Specializes in ER, ICU, Med/Surg.

I am coming in as Captain (hopefully). My top three choices are Travis, Eglin, and Langley. Emergency department is my specialty but I also have ICU experience and my CCRN. My long term goal is CRNA school or FNP. I currently work at the VA in the ER and have loved my time here. I commute an hour and 20 minutes one way to work and am quite familiar with parenting by phone! This whole crazy adventure of joining is getting scarier the closer that I get to actually signing the dotted line or should I say swearing in! My application is going before the November board. I originally thought I would be in the March COT class but after seeing all the May 2010 board people going this coming March 2011 and May 2011, I may need to be thinking about a later date!

Specializes in ED. ICU, PICU, infection prevention, aeromedical e.

When I put my paperwork in, I had expected to go in Jan. nope... March?! nope.... Yes in May. It is a huge decision and adventure so I think it is ok to be scared. It is a life change and a full commitment for you, as well as you're family. I can not imagine such a long commute! I have a 20 min commute and think that is far.

I had Langley on my list as number 1. I also had Travis on my list as number 3. I initially had Eglin on the list, but took it off when I found out they only have a 6 bed ICU. It doesn't have the acuity that I prefer. I think Langley is one of the hospitals combining with Army.

CCRN is something you need to keep and not let expire, even if you stay in ER.

Specializes in ER, ICU, Med/Surg.

Thanks. I am hoping that I can use my CEU's for my CEN as well as my CCRN. They are definitely more picky with the CCRN about what counts and for which area of critical care nursing. I am hoping for Travis but will be happy with any of the other choices. My 4 and 5 choices are Andrews and Nellis.

Also, not to intrude on mid (hey, girl, BTW! She works in one of the ICUs in my hospital!), but not every unit is that way.

The unit I'm on is completely different. I'm on the Bone Marrow Transplant unit at Wilford Hall Medical Center at Lackland AFB, TX. I put in very little off time for meetings, and when we do, we're "compensated" with an appropriate schedule for that week. We, too, work three shifts one week and four the next, but in my case, I seem to get more time off now than I did as a civilian RN.

My unit does not do on-call.

I, too, have earned 36 CEUs this year (I got here last November), and am about to earn four more for another class I'm taking next week.

Each unit is different, but one fundamental thing is the same - once you're in, you're in; the military is an all-encompassing way of life, and not just for you, but for any family that accompanies you. In many ways you're at the whim of the Feds - they can move or not move you, deploy or not deploy you at their own choosing.

But I wouldn't choose to be anywhere else.

Specializes in ED. ICU, PICU, infection prevention, aeromedical e.

I'm transfering up to your unit Pooh!! lol. No, I am actually loving my unit I've been here 2 months and am feeling part of the team, rather than some outsider. One thing nice in the military is that change and staff turnover is constant. That means they are really friendly and helpful to newcomers and don't seems to "eat their young" as I've seen in civilian hospitals. I hope everyone has that same positive experience.

There is one new nurse who is finishing NTP who is assigned to preop in same day surgery! that means he has no oncall and works Mon- Fri office type hours. Holy Cow!! (That is Adam who posts here sometimes.) He has no idea how sweet his assignment is.

I am getting used to the demands on my time and feeling great here.

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