AF CRNA program



I have been reading some of the post about AF CRNAs and had talked to a healthcare recuit. today. I have been getting mixed messages and was wondering if could get some insight on what was true and what was told to me just to get me to sign. He had told me that i could enter in the af without ICU experience (which would happen if i signed up right now), would have to work Med/Surg. for a year and then should not have a problem interning into an ICU position since the AF is in such need for these ICU positions. Is that true with what is going on within the AF right now? Would i have to wait until i was asigned to another area before interning the ICU position? I know that there is a course that has to been takend, can that be writen into the contact? He also talked a lot about instead of going to one of the two CRNAs school that the military offers that i could go to a CRNA program (a civilian school) through the scholarship program while i am in the military, does anyone know of others doing it this way or have done it like this? He made it sound like it would be the same thing, but i would be going to a state school of my choice (that i could get into) instead of through the schools at Maryland or Texas.

Thanks for the help

Specializes in SICU--CRNA 2010.

I would work in a civilian ICU. The Air Force needs will come first and you are not guaranteed an ICU slot. In the AF, you would also have to spend those few years in Med-surg (that would suck). Find an ICU that takes new grads and go that route.

Specializes in ICU, oncology/organ transplant.

I would also ask about the admission process into schools. Recruiters have notoriously enhanced the truth but if you dig deeper you will find answers. I would bet money that it is very competetive to obtain "permission" to apply and go to school. Please, please, please, research everything that recruiter tell syuo before making any decisions.

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