Advice whether I should I file an appeal?


Hello everyone,

I was in a ADN nursing program in Fall 2014 and had to withdraw due to failing the program. The sad thing was that I was in my last semester ? To make a long story short, I went back to school became an LVN and decided that being a RN is what I want to be. So in 2017, I applied to several LVN to RN programs and including the nursing program where I withdrew. The program that I withdrew, selected me to take the challenge exam and I passed and did everything the school asked me to do. I even got my nursing class schedule for Fall 2018. To my surprise when I was supposed to register for the nursing course, I was unable to because I was l locked out. I contacted the dean about it and they didn’t realize that I was a previous nursing student and she told me that wouldn’t be able to attend the program because the school policy says there are no re-admittance into the program. I was so depressed to have that happened to me. I just found out my old nursing classmate who failed the same nursing program twice got into the LVN-RN program. Wouldn’t she considered a readmittance too? I’m not sure if I should contact the dean and ask why was I denied readmittance but another student wasn’t. Please help?

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

You are in a pickle. You can follow up with the dean and get your friend kicked out as well. Or you can move on and find another school. If your friend is already graduated then the policy changed at some point.

Thank your for your advice. I do feel bad if I get her kicked out?I am waiting to see if I get into another program this May.

You might have a good chance at appeal, if you were not eligible for admittance then why did they admit you? An appeal can be stressful, but probably not any more stressful than not being admitted. If you want to be in the program I suggest an appeal.

You might ask the old classmate her experience.

The question of "Why do you let other people back in and not me?" Might be a help or a hindrance upon appeal.

My old classmate will be starting nursing this Fall. I know that I’m taking a risk of getting her kicked out too and I would feel really bad :( maybe I need to let it go and hope to get in elsewhere?

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