Published Oct 15, 2015
1 Post
I have been a nurse for a full year now and all nursing jobs that I have landed are: "Casual/On-Call" positions. Not being able to obtain at least a part part-time schedule may be due to the low employment rates in my city. Unfortunately moving to another area is not an option for my husband and I. I am having a hard time adapting to an odd life balance and routine where I may be called into work for days/afternoons/midnights, 7 days a week, for 2 different facilities. I am not assigned scheduled shifts, but am called in case a regular employed nurse is sick. I find it very difficult to build skill and comfort in my places of work not working regularly, not being accustomed to a regular work routine, not knowing changes in the workplace, or knowing the patients etc. The uncertainty before a shift is stressful for me and starting to take a negative toll on my health. I am mentally exhausted and my eating habits and daily exercise are very poor as a result. With last minute calls I find my sleep decreased and a poor impact on my family and home life (the mess piles up and the to-do lists/grocery lists get overwhelming). I am asking for any advice fellow nurses could give me to be on top of a rapidly changing daily routine and ways to remain healthy and energized in my career despite all of this. I would appreciate any comments.
7,736 Posts
Can you maybe call the staffing person/nursing supervisor at some advanced time before THEY call you???
Also reach out to whomever to let that person know that you're available.
I know LTCF/NH's are a bit un-sophisticated to many, but as nsg supervisor, I made that type of phone call. There were staff who let me know personally up front, that they would be avail for impromptu calls and they wanted me to call them first. They wanted the time and they became my first go-to call. Of course, it goes to stand that they were usually always avail and very infreq would refuse to come in. On the other hand, there were staff who never ever wanted me to call EVER. (Couldn't please everyone!)
Just a suggestion.