
Specialties Travel


I am in need of advice for those in travel nursing and whatever else two cents anyone wants to say.

It has been going okay, but now I wonder how to proceed. I am waiting for an all clear as I sent very detailed statements of what happened, which is very different from the report my employer got from the facility. What upsets me is that I did everything as I supposed to and had very little orientation. Worked with what I had and if there was something I needed help, they helped.

What outrages me is that how could someone twist information and say something that is not true. It is not like you forget what happened when you work in a different place that you are not used to.

I do not understand what people get out of twisting things because it makes everything not so pleasant. It also erodes trusting anyone or having confidence anyone will do the right thing. So the question is while I wait, what should I consider next. It is like this moment, I feel like why did I go into this profession if health care. I don't regret going into this profession, but something like this makes me wonder why nurses have to be this way or anyone really.

Thanks tiffprit... this may be a blessing in disguise even though I certainly do not feel that way right now. All I know is I will get something else and it will be okay.

I appreciate everything you all have said. With a bit of thinking, I will keep this job on my resume to reduce the time gap but the question is how to answer the question why I don't work there? My license is fine as well so how to i go on?

Been there done that. I think your inbox is full. Messaged you

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