Advice for me



My name is Hossam and i am Egyptian, please can you help me for getting information about the best time to take warfarin?

How long time does it take to be recovered from pulmonary embolism?

What kinds of food should be avoided during this time?

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

Specializes in ACNP-BC, Adult Critical Care, Cardiology.

Are you a patient? Unfortunately, per our website's Terms of Service, we are not allowed to provide you with medical advice. These sort of questions are really best addressed by your healthcare provider, pharmacist, or nurse.

There are a wealth of information regarding pulmonary embolism and anticoagulation with warfarin on the internet. But that shouldn't be a substitute for the counselling you should get from your provider.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Unfortunately we cannot give medical advice. You need to contact the physician who prescribed this to you. If you were given it in the hospital you need to see your PCP for continued management of your situation. Best of luck.

Thank you very much

But it just Information exchange not more

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Per our Terms of Service, we cannot provide personal medical advice. You will need to pose your questions/concerns to the healthcare provider. Good luck.

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