Published Apr 8, 2011
110 Posts
Hey everyone I have a dilemma. I wasn't accepted into summer ob/peds (3rd semester out of 5) yet but I may be if others drop for financial reasons or grades. I want to be a nurse anesthetist in the future but im currently going for my RN at the College of New Rochelle. My question is whether it's better to try and graduate asap to make money and get experience or should I take my time and do a summer internship. I have a hookup at Columbia Presbyterian where I may be able to work with a PA for 2 weeks in an ICU setting mostly, then work with the friend who is getting me the internship doing other floors and possibly working with pharmacy. It sounds like a great experience at a great hospital. How much value does interning hold, considering I want to get a masters (aka nurse anesthetist) or is it better to graduate and work med-surg then ICU then apply to CRNA school?
Sorry for the rant, thanks to all that reply! any questions and ill respond asap. :)
359 Posts
I would say do the internship. That may lead to other things if you get your name out there, make a good impression, network, etc. Good luck to you!
UVA Grad Nursing
1,068 Posts
I would also advise the summer internship. Obtaining fulltime employment as a RN is not easy, and those with actual work experience (as PCT or PCA) and those with summer nurse externships often have leg up on those lacking this type of experience.
Since you want to be a CRNA, you will want to work in an ICU for at least 1-2 years after your BSN. You should seek opportunities that will allow you to become employed in an ICU.
bump, please more advice