ADVICE NEEDED- Hospital for Special Surgery Interview

Nurses Job Hunt


Hi all,

I was hoping someone could give me a bit of advice as to interviewing with HSS in NYC for their nurse residency program. I really want to do well and stand out amongst the rest. Apart from wearing a suit, bring multiple copies of my resume, being on time- what other things can you suggest? Is anyone aware of the types of questions asked? I've never had the opportunity to be interviewed by a panel- and this is making me a little more nervous than simply having only one interviewer. Any advice/suggestions would be very much appreciated! Thank you!

Hey all,

I've been trying to follow up with HSS as well to see about any decisions they might have made and I was told hopefully by the end of this week we might find out- so if we hear nothing today then maybe next week!

It was definitely strange to interview with another candidate in the room and it was really tough to determine how the interviewers perceived you! But I guess we can only hope for the best!

I'm confused though, do you think HSS are picking the 10 candidates or are they weeding people out and then having a second round of interviews? If anyone knows this I would really appreciate it!

Yeah, it's tough to know what their process is like. I was wondering whether they might have made offers to their top 10 and are giving those ten people maybe a week or so to decide, then after a week, they try to fill the slots with their next top candidates. It is just kind of annoying b/c I have already interviewed in other hospitals that don't have such long and drawn out processes.

Thing is, I feel like that nurse recruiter says things like "next week" or whatnot, but doesn't stick to what she says. I asked her when I interviewed when I would hear, and she said maybe the following week. She also asked me if I had any offers and I told her that I did, she said that she tries to get in touch w/ those candidates who HSS is interested in who already have offers so HSS doesn't lose them. So I called last week to follow up since I have gotten some other offers, but she didn't even look in my file or consult with any of the nurse managers who conducted the interview to see whether I am still in the running or not, instead, when I told her I had another offer and needed to give the other hospital an answer, she just told me that she knows that there will be many disappointed people who were part of this process. And then she threw at me a proverb that pretty much indicated that I might as well take one of the offers I have already gotten instead of just waiting around and hanging onto the possibility of an offer from another hospital that is seemingly within reach.

I actually did already accept an offer from another hospital but haven't yet gone through the whole hiring process and I haven't yet signed on the dotted line. Until my name is in ink on that dotted line, I still am considering anything that comes my way since nothing is set in stone yet.

Hello Everyone,

I actually had my interview in mid January for the inpatient rn residency position and offered a job the following week. I received a email from the office saying that I got the job. Then I received a more official letter about the job earlier this week. I just wanted to update everyone because it seems like many people have not heard back. Good luck everyone!

Hi! I have an interview with them on Tuesday. I received an e-mail that they are reviewing nurses for 20 spots. Can you please tell me about how much the annual income is? I have a job already and would like to see if HSS is something to consider.

I went for an interview at HSS too. The whole thing is a joke, it seems that they are only looking to hire insiders. My interview went very well, at least thats what I thought. However, in the interview they barely asked any questions, which did surprise me.

I was later told that I was not selected. A person there involved in the hiring process told me that they decided to go with "internal" candidates. When they say internal, I'm sure they do not only mean people who work in the hospital already. I think that HSS like many other facilities are only employing friends and family members of the nurses, doctors and other staff members that work there, as well as the internals. It's unfortunate how many employers are no longer hiring based on merit and a quality interview, it all boils down to who you know and the depth of your connections. I believe that they invite External candidates for formality sake, only to make it seem as though they are giving others an opportunity too, but don't be fooled, the top 10 or 20 are pre-selected.

Hey guys! Does anyone have an tips for the nurse residency interview at HSS?

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