Published Feb 23, 2009
69 Posts
OK I want the dirt from other nurses who have traveled.. I have been traveling locally and contracted for the last 11/2. Been an RN for 7 yrs, never had problems until I started traveling.
I recently took a day shift job on a busy PCU. High acuity pts typically 4 rarely three w/ one CNA for 15-18 rooms. Ward rooms are still there w/ 3-4 pts to a room. Got my 30 day eval and got 97% great comments and great feedback from assistant nurse manager and unit director.
Last week got my assignment and report. Report on pt #1 - cant tolerate dopamine gtt titration.
pt #2- new onset CHF given 60meq KCL no replacement protocol ordered. plz f/u.
pt #3- cant thermoregulate, cooling blanket/warming pad at bedside, tube feeds ordered pls f/u
pt 4- d/c when CE are negative this afternoon.
1445 my pt codes call team, by the time code crap was completed and ready to catch up on my other 3 pts it was 1630.
During report in the am nurse told me pt one who coded had not been able to tolerate titiration of dopamine gtt d/t hemodyamic instability. Doc rounds and writes to d/t gtt. Call doc update on BP's w/ titirations. Call doc and get new orders to d/c gtt regardless of pt's BP or response to titration. Again made sure MD was aware of current BP. I literally was at pt's bedside almost all day until code, between quickly running across curtain to check on CHFer and across hall to see vent pt. No charge RN around, CNA unavailable no other nurses around, so I admit my attitude is getting a little grumpy.
Catch up on meds that are now late for 1500-1700, d/c pt who has now waited all day and it is time for report.
Night nurse comes on and wants to know why a 1800 IVPB wasnt hung on my shift, and if I was going to sign off orders. I said I had some charting to catch up on and I was sorry that was going to have be taken care of on her shift.
NOC RN is visibly upset, yells at me about leaving her a mess. I apologized b/c it was a mess, however the entire day had been a mess. I am only one person.
Next day come back and RN wants to know about 60meq of KCL that "werent given" I stated what I had been told in report given at night. WEll KCL wass now 2.3 and it was my fault. I reviewed that hyperK was much more difficult to treat thhan hypoK and had I given it 120meq within 4 hrs could be much worse.
Have same pts that day except at 1700 direct admit arrives w/ 10/10 CP. Needs SL nito, line started for Nitro gtt and BP is 220/118 w/ N/V/E, LOC and increasing SOB. Who the hell direct admits that to a floor? anyways.. d/t guy isnt finished up until 1835, lines in meds given, CP resolving, CBG stable, again no CNA, no Charge RN, and my other pts. Give report to same NOC RN who is now mad that none of this guys admit stuff is charted. I explained that I had some of it done but the U.C had not put the chart together yet, no labels, or anything else.
Next day I get call from my agency that the contract has been terminated b/c I am difficult to work with. I feel horrible. I feel like I was trying to take care of my pts. I dont just want to leave the guy w/ 10/10 CP, to go sign off his admit orders that arent even input in the computer yet. What is more important the pt or the paperwork? I know 12hr chart checks are the norm, but sometimes it isnt possible, or should I have thought it was my responsibility?
I am so burned out on nsg always trying to do more w/ less and travellers seem to get screwed w/ no recourse. I am up for any feedback. Good, bad or ugly, what are other experiences?
amy0123, BSN, RN
190 Posts
Sorry that this experience was awful. I'm a medsurg nurse. I recall working in a similar environment. Working in CSICU was difficult. Especially with the preceptors I had. All except for one had A-Type personalities and very harsh. I couldn't put up with them. Very non-supportive with ice cold hearts.
Anyway, I've been traveling for 1.5 years in med-surg. Every facility has their own way of managing charts, staff, patient care, protocols. No facility is perfect. They all have quirks. The last place, a small community hospital, I had some troubles with. It was mentioned a few posts ago on the General Forum. Brief: That hospital should not carry incompetent supervisors to act as doctors or over-ride doctor's orders after the doctor had evaluated patient. The supervisor had no reason to yell at me!! for a fresh postop patient that had a new onset of afib and needed to transfer to a monitored unit!
Well at this same facility, starting out was painful. A nurse had too much to do here with little or no assist. We did vitals, fingersticks & bed baths (orthopedic, so many completes). I had a nervous breakdown the first day. The nurse manager was supportive and said give it one more week, if you still don't like it, then you can quit. I got through the first week and stayed after I was able to create a doable routine. Computer documentation and checking computer orders was soooo time consuming. In addition, for the many docs that did not enter electronic orders, we also had to do paper chart checks since the admission date of each patient (we commonly had 7-8 patients with an additional admission or transfer by the end of shift). Keeping track of both paper and electronic was confusing.
I had a clinical liason that worked with my agency. I called her almost every week or so with a list of questions on patient care, staff, questionable situations. She gave me a lot of support and direction. I think I would have quit if I had no one to talk to.
Try reposting in the general forum and/or the cardiac forum for the clinical questions. I think they can be answered quicker there.
223 Posts
Sounds like a bad day, all the way around. Some facilities are more travel friendly then others. Some give you alot of support and others don't. You can only do what you can do. If night shift has a cow they will get over it. Just remember, it's only 13 weeks. Always remember to CYA. Just write that you informed the phyiscan and what he said. Everyone can miss a med, it happens.
Hope things get better.
they terminated my contract immediatelly sighting "interspersonal difficulty". One RN who is a new nurse makes for such statement. I was amazed that this could not be used as a learning situation for both of us. I was especially frustrated given my evaluation! Especially when it was not a lack of clinical skill, med errors do happen, thank god it wasnt something more serious. My attitude is nursing sucks, it isnt the pts though. One day last week I got two cards sent to the hospital from prior pts and a plate of goodies delivered from a previous pt...but that doesnt help w/ this. My mortgage is still
I have never been good at getting along w/ catty women, I just dont play games well. I am so depressed I cant make myself apply for another nsg job. I have got to get an attitude adjustment.
I had been calling my recruiter weekly just to make sure all was well, cont to reinforce that I believe in direct communication, she kept assuring me all was well. Then after the fact she tells me she is not clinical at all! Further frustration..
Travel nursing can be extremely difficult. You can and will be pulled or floated before regular staff. You will get the worst assignment. I don't care if you are ICU, ER or Med/Surg, we are expected to be at the top of our game. Some of the time, we are the ones with the most experience.
We are all struggling right now. Hopefully things will get better.
26 Posts
Well, I totally agree.
Travel nursing is hard. My last assignment was terrible. Constantly getting pulled and the worst assignment, then no support when it all goes to crap.
After this last assignment I tucked my tail between my legs and went back to my old full time job, my old co-workers welcomed me with open arms and I don't plan on ever leaving again.
Traveling isn't worth it for me. I can make almost as much money to stay home and less hassle.
I feel for ya caringchic. You gotta have a heart of stone to do it and i just don't have it in me. I hope you find what you are looking for.
thanks, my old hospital is on a hiring freeze right now, so I am currently looking. I just dont have it in me, I am so burned out right now. The only way to get support is as a staff nurse and even at that I am begining to think at a facility backed by a union. Some way healthcare standards have got to be brought to a balance in this country for the pts, the providers/healthcare professionals and the people footing the bill. I think I'll take up truck driving LOL
11 Posts
Sorry to hear of your bad experience. As a charge nurse on a newly formed, 12 bed neuro ICU unit, I have quite a bit of experience with travel nurses. Our facility, like many others is cutting back drastically on the number of travel nurses it hires. I am suffering the pain of losing some excellent nurses due to contracts no longer being renewed. I can fairly say that I will miss most of them greatly. I have always tried to be equitable in making the assignments and making sure that every nurse on the unit had as much support as could be provided. I hope that you will continue to pursue your nursing career and give it a try again. Maybe some day you will turn up in my unit and we can laugh about the bad old days!