Advice on Career Decision


So I've been battling with myself now for weeks on what I want to do. I'm an LPN, six months out of school. I work in a ltc/post-acute care facility, I'm the night shift charge nurse (the only nurse) to 60 skilled care residents. I have three CNAs and while I love what I'm doing, the facility is going through a lot of problems right now and the workload is getting to be a little much. Now I know everyone is thinking "welcome to nursing" but what I really want is to get my BSN and get out of ltc.

I'm gaining so much experience in this facility and its honeslty the nicest ltc aruond. But I'm really unhappy with working night shift and I got the answer that I'll probably be stuck for the next 18months. I make 19.75/hr and wont find this anywhere else.

Another problem, I'm starting back at school for my BSN which is what i really want. I'm always so tired with the hours I work and I'm worried i wont be able to do as well in school.

Now I've been offered a job with the choice of an internal medicine office or an OB/GYN office. It's mon-fri office hours and, of course, is an EXTREMELY lighter work load. I'm afraid that if I take this job I (1) wont get the experience i should be getting, and (2) i'm sort of "selling out".

Of course every nurse would love a lighter load, but i wouldnt be doing what i want, BUT I could finish school much faster this way and then be able to take the job of my dreams.

So what would you nurses out there do? Am I stupid for considering a clinic job while i go to school?


Specializes in ICU/ER.

Take what ever job will help you get through school quicker. If the office job will allow time for you to go to class/clinicals and study than take it, even if you dont love it, your not selling out.

You dont get a gold star for staying where you dont want to stay.

Nursing is a job, you get paid X amount for X amount of work. If that is not agreeable to you you are free to leave and find something that is. It is just like any other job, except I think Nurses feel more guilt. Mgmt knows we are typically"caring" people vs financial driven thus too many nurses get taken advantage of.

Do what is best for you, your schooling and your family life 1st.

Best of luck~~~

Specializes in Obs.

Thank you. Needed to hear that. I think guilt is the best way to describe it, hah. And i need to stop letting it effect my future.

Specializes in just about everything.

whatever you choose. do it because you want to. I will tell you, you can get alot of experience in a doctor's office. If you get a great doctor to work with. Being an LPN, you may even be incharge of things like the crash cart and emergency situations. When I was an LVN, I learned alot. we also had drug reps visit and I learned alot abouut new drugs. No matter where you go in life you are going to get experience and learn.

Good luck ot you.

Just keep in mind that you can always move around and do so many different things, and work in many different specialties even as an LPN. Always keep an open mind. If you are not sure about where you want to work you can always volunteer at a facility to see what it may be like to work in another specialty. Going back for you BSN is a good idea. You can always go pt time and work, with online classes and flexible scheduling for both work and school you can do anything you want,:nurse: the sky is the limit. Don't give up and don't think you are resticted in anyway.:yeah:

I would recommend that you do whatever will make it easiest on you in school. You have to look at school as the priority and everyhting else supports that. Do not every feel guilty about changing jobs if in the long run it is to help you achieve a higher goal in yourr career. Good luck to you.

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