Published Mar 3, 2010
219 Posts
I would like to know which book is good for my family nurse practitioner, advanced patho course that I'm taking this semester. I know it's sort of late to ask since I'm already 8 weeks into the semester. My instructor decided to go with the Pathophysiology book by Copstead/Banasik (2010) 4th edition which I bought from Amazon and it's the same book that the undergraduate students are using! Last time I took patho was in 2006. What do you think about this book:
I've heard McCance & Huether's book is for advanced patho reading. There's a new 6th edition out and the cover looks cool .
This course is online and has a lot of busy work but I am still doing the readings. I just want to know if there's more advanced information from other textbooks. I am able to go online to my University's online library to read from various sources and also some textbooks but they don't have these books on there. I could also access eMedicine from my school's online health sciences library but I just think having a comprehensive advanced patho textbook is good for me to have and read and to take to starbucks to read before I go out to chill with friends. Please let me know what your experiences are with these textbooks. If the McCance & Huether's 6th edition textbook is more advanced and a fit for FNPs, then I'm going to buy that, then sell my "undergrad" pathophysiology book 4th ed. by Copstead/Banasik. Thanks.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
Yep the McCance and Heuther is sitting beside me on the floor as I type - lol....
We are using it for my advanced peds pathophys.
So should I purchase the 6th edition of McCance & Huether's pathophysiology book and sell the patho book I have by Copstead/Banasik 4th ed?
How much are you going to use it? I mean would Up To Date be just as good and have more current info?
I don't use my textbooks except for work, I have Up To Date which I use often
583 Posts
How much are you going to use it? I mean would Up To Date be just as good and have more current info? I don't use my textbooks except for work, I have Up To Date which I use often
Yeah I looked up Up-to-Date and it's like $1000+/year subscription!!
It's $434/year if you get multiple subscriptions - my practice pays for it!
How lucky you are! Is it better compared to iphone apps like Medscape, MDConsult...etc?
Yes, because its more current. Its considered the gold standard in my area and I would suspect in the US in general.
You can get it on your iphone too but its just as easy to pull it up on a computer.
283 Posts
Robbins and Cotran is probably the gold standard advanced path/pathophys book. It is the one most medical schools use.
here is the last edition. You dont need the most recent edition because you will just be wasting money:
16 Posts
I just wrote on another post about this so it's fresh in my mind. Uptodate is pricey and the information is 6 months old (that's old by the digital age standards). is also pricey ($349 a year), and only lets you go to the site to search. They do have CME info there though. is a good price ($89/year) and sends you an email every week with the newest abstracts/citations from PubMed in the medical fields you select so you can stay informed, plus it has a good search function of PubMed that was designed by medical librarians. These are the same people who publish Doody's Book Reviews which is well respected in the medical field.
57 Posts
I was wondering how the McMance book worked out. We are using it for the bsn portion of our program. I guess we might be using for the graduate portion too. Most people don't read it because it is so intense, but I like all the details. I feel without the details you can't make everything fit into the big picture. I do have a bias as my first degree is biology though.