Admission Chances in nursng with a F?

Nurses General Nursing



I'm in my first semester of college with a biology major. I think I might fail my math class this semester. I'm transferring colleges next semester and will start taking my pre-reqs to nursing school. My question is that will a F in my math class that's not even a pre-req to nursing school hurt my admission chances into nursing school. If I make a 3.7 or above on my pre-reqs, but that on F in my calculus class hurt my chances? Thank You for your help. :cry:

if you are failing, withdraw from the class! there are tons dropping my A&P class this week, they just need approval of their teacher, which most will give. a W on a transcript does not affect GPA!

I have a quick question for all here who got into nursing school with an F on their transcript (regardless of what class it came from): in what year was this, and where (and for what type of program--BSN, LPN, MSN) were you applying? I'm genuinely curious just because I have several friends with beyond stellar gpa's, req's and extracurriculars and they are having a hell of time being accepted to good nursing programs; and I myself am waiting for letters back from all the schools I applied to--very nervous nelly these days! Just wondering. Thanks!

You really need to look at the specific program you want. There are some accelerated bsn programs around here that look at your grades in ONLY CERTAIN PREREQUISITE CLASSES, and DO NOT CARE WHAT YOUR OVERALL GPA WAS, and thus won't care about an F. If your programs of interest do their gpas that way, don't sweat it (unless the class is a required prereq).

There are other programs that look at your overall GPA, some that look at last sixty credits, etc. (They would probably care, and I would thus urge you to drop).

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