ADL definitions Section G


Specializes in Geriatrics and Quality Improvement,.

OK, just one question:

For Dining... how do you describe Supervised Vs. Limited.

I know the definitions, I want the semantics....

Supervised/set up: opened tray items, cut up food, observed during meals, documented intake.


Limited/One: opened tray items, cut up food, observed during meals, documented intake.

Specializes in ER CCU MICU SICU LTC/SNF.

Eating ADL Self-Performance involves only the actual delivery of food/beverage from receptacle to mouth (or other means). In your example, only “observed during meals” can be factored in. Hence, “Supervision" is the only applicable answer.

Without going through the rule of 3, a single instance of a Limited Assist will be…

  • Staff places the glass of milk in the resident’s hand and folds his fingers to grasp it. Resident then brings the milk to his mouth and drinks; or
  • Staff places the glass of milk beside resident’s hand. Resident grabs the glass, holds it up but stops. Staff gently taps the bottom of his hand or sometimes maneuvers the hand slightly upwards. Resident then brings the milk to his mouth and drinks.

Specializes in Geriatrics and Quality Improvement,.

SO RIGHT!! I neede the "actual delivery of food/beverage from receptacle to mouth (or other means)" part of the answer.


THAT Is the difference. Im trying to explain it to people.. but the manual states, Staff must set up the tray, cut the meat, open containers and HAND HIM THE UTENCILS.. the bold part is the Limited ( I tried to explain) the rest is SET UP.. Staff Performance, not resident performance...... so they were trying to include the cut up the food as LIMITED..

Ah, thank you thank you thank you.

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