Adelphi Nursing Program Spring 2015 (not Path)

U.S.A. New York


Hi so this is my first time posting, I am so glad to be apart of this community. :) I am trying to get into the Nursing Program at Adelphi University for spring 2015. I am on my last two Prereqs, Genetics and Pathophisiology. I also got all A's in the rest of the science prereqs. I have an associates in business administration which should according to the website, waive me of any general requirements... I am a little nervous because i got a D in Biology back in 06...I truly hope that doesnt affect their decision, I was young and had no sense of direction. I took the Teas twice... the first time i didnt pass the reading by 2 points :( but i tried again and passed all the sections yayy!! so now im in the waiting process.. They told me about 2-3 weeks and i am so nervous... My gpa is currently 3.3 at my school but with my previous grades im at a 3.0 I put all my eggs in one basket... I didnt apply to Hunter or Lehman mainly because even with all the A's I've gotten in the prereqs im still not anywhere near the gpa you need for those schools... maybe i should've i dont know :( Adelphi is so expensive but they seem so straight forward with all the things they require and i also didnt want to be wait-listed.. im 27 now and i feel like i wasted enough time...If anyone is applying for the spring 2015 semester or if you just have information please let me know i would really appreciate it... Thanks!!! :)

Hi guys! I found out a little over a month ago that I was accepted for Fall 2016. I am from California so I don't know much about the program. I would love if anyone that is in the program now or has recently graduated could tell me about the program. Thank you!


I applied to Adelphi in the Garden city location for the bsn nursing program. How was your experience there? I'm really scared about the tuition. Is it worth getting students loans? I might not get much with fafsa because I have a bs degree and I wanted to do bsn not he accelerated rn because I can't handle the intensity of it because I have young children. Any advice will help.

Thank you kindly


Thanks for your offer to help. How many people in your classes have got kicked out of the program? How difficult is the exams? I might not get much of grants or fafsa because I have a bs degree. I might pay the whole tuition out of pocket or loans. Is it worth going to Adelphi? I'm missing patho and chemistry and genetics. Should I do it with Adelphi and get it over with or take it in another school?

Thanks :)

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