Acute renal failure



I am having trouble distinguishing what are the most important factors or interventions when dealing with an elderly patient that has suffered acute renal failure related to dehydration. I am relating my discussion to the first few hours of care after the event.

I know that it involves fluid and electrolyte management, nutrition (limit salt intake, watch potassium and phosphorus levels), medication management and observing vital signs regularly.

Are there any other major care methods i should be prioritising?

Help would be greatly appreciated!

Specializes in long-term-care, LTAC, PCU.

How about monitor labs such as BUN and creatinine, GFR, lytes, urine specific gravity, lung sounds, edema, insert foley for accurate I&O, daily weights, ECG monitoring, monitor CXR and ABGs, and report abnormals to physician as needed.

I hope that helped.

of course the f/e's, cbc's (profound anemia's), uti's (recurrent/unresolved).

the lab values (which are off the wall) will show you where nsg care is needed.

know how rbc's, k+, nacl, bun, creatinine, nitrogenous wastes, will affect every system in the pt.

meticulous nsg care required.


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