Published May 31, 2012
Nurse Lynette, BSN, RN
50 Posts
Hi! I was accepted into more than one nursing program. I applied at three. Have any of you had to choose which program you attended? What were your deciding factors? I'm pretty sure I know what school I will attend, but I'm curious to know what factors played into others decision as well. Thanks!
NP Sam
476 Posts
Mine came down to cost and length of program. One was out of state and I preferred to stay in state.
Thanks! All of mine are in state, and basically same cost. Driving time is an hour either way I go. The program Im pretty sure i will choose is the school I did my pre reqs at. It's a comfort thing bc im familiar with everything. It's also the school that I will graduate from the fastest. It's an LVN to RN transition program. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on other deciding factors that I haven't thought of yet.
willowita, ADN, RN
517 Posts
I got accepted to 2 schools and I picked the one that has the better schedule. They're both equal in distance, cost is the same, financial aid eligibility is the same.
I'm still waiting to hear from my first choice, which is closer, but will cost more. The program is tougher but I think that's what I want. My parents work at the hospital where clinicals take place and they say that if i can survive that program, I'll be very prepared to enter the labor force.