Accepted to Nova Southeastern BSN and Univ. of Miami ABSN, not sure which to choose


I would really appreciate feedback from anyone who can provide some insight. I am honored and excited that I have been accepted into 2 excellent nursing programs for 2010. The schools are Nova Southeastern University (BSN, 27 month program) and the University of Miami (accelerated BSN, 12 months). I am not sure which one to choose, but I have to decide by Nov 15th. I find the UM program appealing because I would be done much sooner, but I know that faster is not always better. My concern would be that I would be doing a lot of cramming and not necessarily obsorbing the information. As for Nova, they have a very good program and are family oriented. I have RN friends in the field that work with Nova students and tell me that they are very knowledgable.

I welcome your opinions!!


Hey Congrats:yeah: on your acceptance! i just wanted to ask, when did you have ur interview for NOVA. I had my interview for NOVA on Oct. 20th and i am really nervous because i havent heard anything yet or received any letters

Hey Congrats:yeah: on your acceptance! i just wanted to ask, when did you have ur interview for NOVA. I had my interview for NOVA on Oct. 20th and i am really nervous because i havent heard anything yet or received any letters

Thank you. My interview was October 7th. I received my letter from Nova this Saturday. Stay patient and positive. =) I am personally very conflicted on which school to choose. I'm hoping someone can give me some insight.

I actually have the same dilemma as you except I have 2 kids, so my decision has to be very though out. But I applied to Univ. of Miami last night because Im from MI and I need a change of scenery, but I applied to the second degree that takes 2 years instead of the accelerated 12 month program. Personally I think slower is better, especially if you have other commitments such as I do. But if you are single with no children and can devote all your time to school then Id go for the accelerated.

Sidenote: What were your stats that got you into Univ of Miami? Im really nervous. I would LOVE to live in the south especially after having extreme cold winters in MI for the past 21 years

Hi starmickey03. I can understand your hesitation with 2 children. I do not have any children. Fortunately, I have a supportive husband, friends and family. I am probably going to go the accelerated route because I know I can handle it as long as I dedicate my life to it and I would be able to start working sooner.

I got into both schools with a 3.5 GPA, but have a 4.0 in my sciences. Nova also has an essay and interview process, which weighs heavily on their decision. Since you are not from the area, FIU (Florida Int'l Univ) also has a good nursing program, but I believe it is a little more competetive than UM because it is less expensive. What ever you decide, I wish you the best. I have lived in south FL my entire life and love every minute of our weather. =)

I don't know too much about Nova's program. So I am of little help on this subject. However I was also accepted to University of Miami's accelerated BSN program for May 2010. I am excited about the opportunity to finish my coursework in such a short time. I know it will be a lot of hard work but well worth it in the end, both financially and emotionally when I am practicing as an RN in a year.

I posted a site on allnurses for everyone that was accepted into the program. Perhaps other people might be able to give you more words of wisdom. I do not know how to link to the post but if you search for the title it will bring it up: University of Miami Accelerated BSN - Class of 2011. I just put it up so it may take a few days to get some responses.

You may also want to try the following link to get to the website. Not sure if it works. I am new to

I hope to see you in May!

Good morning. Thank you for your reply. You will see me in May. I am going to accept their invitation to UM. I know we are in for a wild ride, but I am in the ideal situation to go for it. Hopefully with the support of each other we will be a great success. =) Do you live in Miami?

how long did it take for you to know if ur accepted to nova. What type of interview questions did they ask and what was the essay topic about that you had to write

what types of questions did they ask on the interviw. What was your essay topic

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