accelerated bsn program at njcu in jersey city, nj

U.S.A. New Jersey


Does anybody attend the accelerated BSN program in NJCU? If so what is the cost of the program? How competative is it to get in? Will they accept you if your overall GPA is lower than a 3.0 but you have a very high GPA in your prerequisites? Any answers would be appreciated. Thanks.

thank you so much. did you hear anything yet?

thank you so much. have you heard anything yet?

AH-HA! Now I get it...okay 15th goes...

ohhhhhhhhhhhh 15 post???

oh ok!!!! lol 15 posts now i can send pm

congratulations sweetlife i tried to pm you but couldn't.

congratulations sweetlife i tried to pm you but couldn't.

You need about 9 more posts before you can send anybody a PM

hello sweetlife. i still can't pm you.but yes i have a friend that just finished from there it is actually a he,and when i can pm you i will ask him if i can give you his phone number,he is very nice and will answer your questions.congratulations once again.


For some reason I couldn't send you a private message back. I also accidently deleted your message this morning LOL So, I am going to try and reply to the things I think you asked LOL If there is anything else though, please feel free to write me again. Anyone else that reads this is also welcome to contact me with questions (i may have answers) or any additional info they have on the fall 2008 njcu program. First off, I made my decision. I will be attending NJCU this fall. I made my decision based on a few factors. As I think I have mentioned already in some of the threads, I was part of the January 2008 Muhlenberg Accelerated Program that was cancelled last minute due to a loss of faculty. It was crazy! We didn't find out till 3 days before orientation. While they were very nice and apologetic about it adn allowed us to audit a class that semester that was supposed to help when the program actually started, it killed me! I had stopped working for the program, rearranged my life, etc... However, I did audit that once a week class and it was great. However, to protect myself (even though they still swear the program is going to run this fall) I applied to UMDNJ AND NJCU. To be honest, at the time, I didn't know really anything about NJCU and was really just looking at UMDNJ, but always really intented to go to Muhlenberg since I had the books, uniforms, etc. and knew somewhat of the routine there. NJCU was kind of like the last on my list. In fact, I almost didn't attend the testing LOL However, I am so thankful I did! Even though Muhlenberg still says there program is going to run (I have gotten orientation letters already), I just feel like I have been burned once by them and am afraid of them turning my life upside down again. Anyway, I wanted to make sure I did my due diligence on UMDNJ and NJCU. In doing so, I found that UMDNJ was very impersonal, didn't want to give me to much info except that the program was "so hard," and that I would be giving up my life. Plus, it is longer than the others. Even though, I am I would have recieved a good educationt there, they just didn't make me feel comfortable. However, when I called NJCU and spoke with the nursing office they were very welcoming, informative, and open to all my questions. They also said it is going to be like giving up a year of my life but the program is dueable (is that a word LOL?). Apparently, there labs were opened a year ago October, so their technology is up there. The hospital they go to is Jersey City Medical Center, which is also just 5 years old. I know a nurse that works in the ICU there and likes it very much. There are only two days of clinical a week, opposed to the 3 I would have gotten at Muhlenberg. I haven't recieved any info in the mail on orietation yet, but apparently it is August 7th. Let me know if you know anything else! Good luck!

Since taking the Hesi I had not recieved an acceptance/rejection letter in the mail, so I called NJCU Friday to ask them about it. They told me they sent me a letter a couple of weeks ago and they would re send it or I could come pick it up. When I went there I got a letter saying I was "conditionally" accepted.:) I'm missing a summer class to get my 1st degree. So, I am almost a nursing student. Has anyone else been conditionally accepted or been put on NJCU's wait list?

NJ2008 -

That's strange, let us know how that turns out.

You applied for the Fall 2008 program at NJCU's campus right? Not the communiversity at Wall?

Hey Kaylah18,

Yeah I applied to the fall 2008 program at NJCU's campus. They said once I officially recieve my 1st degree in August they will accept me.

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