Published Feb 19, 2014
168 Posts
I'm currently on track to graduating from a 4 year university with a bachelor's in a non nursing field. I'm applying to different programs including several Accelerated BSN programs and traditional bsn programs. right now i am leaning more towards the accelerated program mainly because I've already spent 4 years getting one degree and I don't want to spend so much time getting my bsn but at the same time, a traditional program seems more relaxed and not as hectic and I may be able to work while in school. Ultimately, working while in school isn't a priority but I do want to make sure that I can handle the work load and get the best grades possible. Does anyone with actual experience with accelerated programs or any inside information mind sharing what your experience was like and if ABSN programs are truly as intimidating as they seem?
4,161 Posts
I have 5 1/2 months to go in a 15 month ABSN program. Mine is not as bad as I thought it would be. We started in summer and straight through fall and spring semesters and finish up this summer in August. It is essentially taking 2 regular semesters and 2 summer schools. The summer was fast paced and we went to class from 8am to 5 pm m-f. Fall and spring were slower paced (this semester is M and W 8-12 plus clinicals).
Some ABSN programs may not follow traditional semesters and may do quarters in which you take one 5 week class after another in instead of several classes together. I would rather do an ABSN program than spend 2 1/2 years taking the traditional program.
I have 5 1/2 months to go in a 15 month ABSN program. Mine is not as bad as I thought it would be. We started in summer and straight through fall and spring semesters and finish up this summer in August. It is essentially taking 2 regular semesters and 2 summer schools. The summer was fast paced and we went to class from 8am to 5 pm m-f. Fall and spring were slower paced (this semester is M and W 8-12 plus clinicals).Some ABSN programs may not follow traditional semesters and may do quarters in which you take one 5 week class after another in instead of several classes together. I would rather do an ABSN program than spend 2 1/2 years taking the traditional program.
thank you so much for sharing your experience! that doesnt seem too bad and i def. agree 2 1/2 years is a long time esp. for someone who already has a degree in another field. do you think working while in an absn program is feasible and did you find that you had enough time to study and be caught up in all your classes?
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,380 Posts
I completed an ABSN in 2006. It was in Virginia and near DC, so cost of living was high. I don't have kids or wife so I was able to live fairly cheap and knock it out. I think it is the way to go because the sooner done, the sooner you start in your career. It was really good for me, but you have to look at your situation. It was INTENSE and no way I could have worked, but there were some people who did work. Either way you go is ok, just weigh out the entire thing. I was so glad to be done quick and working.
thank you! im not married either and I have no kids, and im sure if it comes down to it my parents will be willing to help/support me in anyway that they can. I want to try and work as much as possible this summer so I can save up b/c working while in the program doesnt seem too ideal for me. were you immediately able to find a job and do you think that the fact that you were in an absn program had any negative effects when you were applying for work?