ACC Nursing Student-Do I need to keep my prereq books?

U.S.A. Texas


I am an ACC Nursing Student, just got accepted for the Fall 2008 class. Question: do I need to keep my Anatomy, Physiology, or Microbiology books for the program, or can I sell them and not miss them. They were very expensive and I could sure use the $.


I am an ACC Nursing Student, just got accepted for the Fall 2008 class. Question: do I need to keep my Anatomy, Physiology, or Microbiology books for the program, or can I sell them and not miss them. They were very expensive and I could sure use the $.


I'm not an ACC student but I'm starting nursing school and had the same question as you and ended up selling my pre-req books. My rationale was that if I need any refreshing over the material I can just look it up on the internet. There are some good review websites out there for A&P and Micro that will have the basic information that is in your textbook. If you really need the $$ I would say go ahead and sell them. I posted mine on and and they sold within a couple days.

Specializes in L&D, mother/baby, antepartum.

When I entered nursing school I got rid of all my prereq books. I wasn't sorry either because anything that you need to learn re: A&P, micro, etc is almost always covered in your nursing texts and it's targeted toward nursing. Nursing texts are another story. I still have some of mine (those that aren't too out of date) and use them for reference often.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Hey there,

I've just graduated from ACC and I not once referenced my texts. Like Britt and Little Greek said, each chapter is prefaced with a brief overview of all applicable anatomy/physiology, and any need for better understanding can easily be found online - much more quickly than digging through a book. I wish I had sold mine! Good luck in school! I already miss it.

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