Published Nov 14, 2006
8 Posts
Hello Everyone,
Well I am currently completing my pre-reqs doe ACC's Nursing Program, and I was going to be able to get on the waitlist after this semester (fall 06). Well... as luck would have it (not really luck...), ACC is changing the requirements before you can get on the waitlist and get your number. Now you have to have Anatomy 2 and Microbiology before you can even get your waitlisted number. Since the waitlist is so long, I find this ridiculous, but just thought I'd share with everyone..... so you don't have to find out like I did and be crushed :-( So... looks like 2 more semesters for me before I can get on the waitlist (I work full-time and there is no way I could handle Anatomy 2 and Micro in the same semester.... I don't think).
289 Posts
ACC=Arapahoe Community College, right? Aren't you guys part of the CCC system?
Yes and Yes.
from the ccc site:
nursing program wait list prerequisites
all biology prerequisites with a grade of c or better must be completed within 7 years of application and entry into nur courses.*please be advised that you can not achieve a 2.5 gpa with 3 c's, or two c's and a b
adn - eng 121 english composition
psy 235 human growth and development
bio 201 anatomy and physiology i (with lab)
bio 202 anatomy and physiology ii (with lab)
with a required 2.5 gpa for nursing prerequisites and a passing grade of "c" or better.
3 credits of social and behavioral science or humanities course work from the community college core curriculum will be required before graduation. talk to the nursing program adviser at the college you are interested in attending to find out which specific course is required.
if you are finishing this semester you should be able to get on the wait list. there will be new requirements (patho & some new math class), but they just have to be complete before you start the program.
80 Posts
Are you going for the ADN? If so, you should be able to get on the wait list after you have the prereqs of the English, PSY 235, and Bio 201 or 202. Then you can get your wait list number. Once you have completed those classes apply for your wait list number and then you will have plenty of time to take the Bio 202, microbiology and any 3 credits of Social and Behavioral Science or Humanities course work that they also require while you are waiting on the list. I have heard there is a 3-4 year wait on this list. You have plenty of time, unfortunately!! Good luck!! I've been on the wait list since this summer so I understand your frustration!! [EVIL][/EVIL]
Stick with it, it will be worth it in the end. :)
What additional math class are you seeing that will be required? and Patho? I don't see where it says that those will be new requirements. I only see that there will be a change to the LPN to ADN with the addition of Nutrition.
I know that's what the site says now... and that's what I was told from the get go but from a recent convo with the person in charge of the program they said they're changing it and the changes will be in place December. So... let's just hope the "grandfather" me!!!!
That is just ridiculous if they add more requirements!!As if it doesn't take long enough now to get into that program!!I hope they do grandfather you in, I would think they would since you are finishing them up before they input new requirements. I have to take additional math classes because I didn't score high enough on the Accuplacer test for the nursing program so in addition to the other prereqs and additional courses they seem to be adding I have to take more math-which I hate!! They really do need to do something about the waitlist, 3-4 years is crazy!!
What additional math class are you seeing that will be required? and Patho? I don't see where it says that those will be new requirements. I only see that there will be a change to the LPN to ADN with the addition of Nutrition. Thanks
Beginning in Spring, all nursing students will need Pathophysiology. The schools are switching books, too, so don't buy last semester's. The math class is Clinical calculations: MAT 103. If you are on the waiting list you should get an email about it (I hope). I didn't see anything about it on the website either.
Beginning in Spring, all nursing students will need Pathophysiology. The schools are switching books, too, so don't buy last semester's. The math class is Clinical calculations: MAT 103. If you are on the waiting list you should get an email about it (I hope). I didn't see anything about it on the website either.~Mel'
That's not good news at all!! Just what we need, more classes that are required. I guess it allows us to spend our time on the wait list taking yet more classes. What a pain, oh, well!! Thanks for the names of the classes. I'll have to keep an eye out for an email about these new classes they are requiring.
Elizabeth Hanes, BSN, RN
14 Articles; 297 Posts
So... looks like 2 more semesters for me before I can get on the waitlist (I work full-time and there is no way I could handle Anatomy 2 and Micro in the same semester.... I don't think).
I took A&P and micro in the same semester while working full-time and got As in both. If you're a good student, in general, you should be able to handle it.
Good luck!
15 Posts
I would check into that again. If ACC is Arapahoe Community College then they are part of Community Colleges Colorado System. Go to their website at and check the nursing requirments.
I know that with AP201, ENG121 and Psy235 you can get on the Waitlist. The waitlist isnt controlled by the individual colleges anymore but is done by the CCCS. You can contact CCCS nursing and Heather? is great about answering mail.
The Acceptance requirements are the AP202 and BIO204. Suggested that you also get the Math for Clinical calculations and the Pathophysiology out of the way as well. I think you also need a social science now ( History, Anthro...something like that.)
Dont let the system get you down. It seems big and complex and impersonal but you can do's like the old joke..."How do you eat an elephant? bite at a time....