Published Nov 11, 2020
EDWannaBe2020, LVN
24 Posts
Hey guys, anyone else out there putting in their application for mobility track Fall 2021? Are you an LVN, medic, surg tech, RT, etc? I just applied yesterday. Looking forward to see how this plays out.
PS- Any medics who get in, I think you guys are amazing and would like to form a study group to collaborate. I'll help with the nursing side and would love some viewpoints on the ACLS/CC/skills side.
14 Posts
I’m applying soon! Just need my grades to post from another school. Can’t help you with the medic stuff—I’m a COTA LOL. I think I’ll have about 42.5-43 ish points when all is said and done (no idea if that’s competitive without the HESI). Good luck!
RJK, I think everyone is amazing in their own right! I will form a study team with anyone. I just know that medics tend to have more critical care experience which is what I lack. I work with a bunch of COTAs and you guys are so important in healthcare. Congrats on making the switch to nursing. I hope we get in! I haven't tallied points yet.
3 Posts
Hey everyone! I applied to the Fall 2021 mobility track and hope I make it in. I’m a full time paramedic with ATCEMS and PRN with JVFD. So far, looks we have quite a few professions on thread. Thank you creating it btw!! And thank you both for what you do. Hope y’all are staying safe and healthy!
About the process: reading other threads and speaking to those who went through the mobility track, it seems like ACC can’t fill the seats during the first deadline and extend it into the following semester so more can apply
I’ve yet to come across someone who is a 2nd time applicant for the mobility track. Fingers crossed!!
Hey PandemicMedic, glad to see you applied! I'm just curious, what gave you the interest to switch to nursing? I just received a petition to enroll in RNSG 1140 skills for Spring, which is weird because they normally only offer it in Summer and fall. I'm emailing Cindy back to see if I can take the Summer session. My husband is an ER nurse and just took a new staff position at BSW, his orientation might interfere with the in person lab portion of the class (Two kids at home to look after). It is only on Wednesday, but is six hours long. Online 12-2 lecture and in person skills from 3-6. I haven't registered yet, waiting on news from the hubby and from the school. Only 16 seats are in this Spring class so maybe they are just offering it on a first come basis. I know 1140 skills is only for LVNs so I'm not sure how the rest works.
I’m obtaining my RN because I really enjoy the medicine. I hope to continue on by getting my BSN and then eventually applying to a Nurse Practitioner program, specializing in acute care. I’d like to return to the first responder environment, under the supervision of the Medical Director, and be an extension of them. Basically, an ACNP in the field, but in a Tahoe not in an ambulance. LOL!
The website did stat LVNs would receive the email by Dec 17. All other certified applicants would get there’s later on. Definitely email Cindy and see if they can accommodate your situation. I believe the non-LVNs course will be in August.
You hubby would be a great resource for you through the program! And congrats on his new position!
Yeah he has been helpful at times, but he gets busy and doesn't typically want to sit around and study with me or talk about nursing--I don't blame him LOL. They have never offered skills in the Spring so this caught me off guard in relation to our work schedules. I asked about Summer, Cindy basically said she doesn't recommend anyone who got a petition for Spring to try for Summer, sadly. I'm playing it by ear and talking to my scheduler and manager.
I know a couple ACNPs who were ER nurses where I worked. It's definitely doable just a long road but you can do it! husband has been an RN for like 15 years and the last thing he wants to do is sit down and study with me LOL. My understanding is that we non-LVNs won’t get our petitions for 1105 until early Jan...soooo we will have like 2 weeks to sign up.....seems really hectic to me :/.
YES! So hectic! Especially with kids. And possible virtual school with random quarantines when a kid gets sick. It's been chaos for my third grader, and I have a 10 month old who is getting more and more mobile. Anyone else here with kids?
They literally let us know about petitions for Spring the same day they sent the email. I've been scrambling to find childcare for January. I was planning on the Summer, like the program always does, so we didn't alter our schedules at all. I'm like HOLD UP I'm not ready! What a weird year this has been ?
No kids here....just furbabies ?. I just got a petition for 1105 btw. Hope you get to take 1140! Sounds like you have a lot on your plate! This semester should be interesting ?
My email petition also arrived. We’re all another step closer. I signed up for the First section, Wednesdays at CYP 4:30-8:50.
Congrats guys! I ended up registering, but we don't get section choices. We are doing online lecture from 12-2 and then in person lab from 3-6 at the EVC campus each Weds. They have skills check off forms on the ADN website if you want to review them. A few friends of mine are in the program and say skills have no auto fails like the regular programs do. So, basically do the skill as closely as you can to what the paper says to do and you're good.