Absn with army reserve

Specialties Government


Have an army scholarship with Army ROTC- considering disenrolling so that I may go directly to nursing school after graduating with my Bachelors in Biology. can I commission as a 2LT and get in a unit close to my ABSN school and drill an carry out the ABSN while being a reservist, then branch transfer to nursing/ AMEDD?

Specializes in critical care: trauma/oncology/burns.

Welcome, Unakadh! :up:

Thanks Athena 55!

i would love to ask you some questions on the reserve! Have you served with any NP's ? Was just wondering what type of deployment to expect. My unit just returned from processing troops returning or getting ready for deployments. Just looking to get all the info on the reserves as possible. I have read a lot of your posts and thanks for your service!

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