Published Dec 4, 2005
16 Posts
Is there an abbreviation for pnemonia? I'm thinking it is PN. But i'm not sure. I can't find it anywhere in my books.. thanx
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
According to my copy of Medical Abbreviations: 15,000 conveniences at the Expense of Communications and Safety, 10th edition, PN is the abbreviation for pneumonia.
THANK YOU!! This what I thought.. I'm an LPN, and I work in a very large pediatric clinic with 12 doctors. This is what I wrote on an intake..
Per parent, Pt is s/p Zithromax for Pn. No cough or congestion noted, Parent denies pt has sob. Robitussin with cod with good effect. yada yada yada..
well this doctor comes out and asks me what is pn???? I said pneumonia.. She said, she never heard of that abbreviation and never to use it again.. am I crazy here??>>>
jenrninmi, MSN, RN
1,976 Posts
We are not allowed to use ANY abbreviations at my hospital. Apparently, JHACHO (is this acronym correct?)is coming at the begining of the year and we're working on trying to become Magnet status.
62 Posts
I have always seen PNU for abreviation of pneumonia..