About to start CNA classes, I NEED HELP


Hi everyone,

I am about to start my CNA classes on Monday, but I don't know what to expect. I have to go to school 1 full day a week in classroom, then 3, 1/2 days in a facility.

What do I expect? What do I need? Scrubs, stethescope??

I am lost please help!!

:welcome:Welcome to the board. This forum has been incredibly useful to me throughout the last year, and I am sure you will find it helpful as well!

Your first day of classes your instructor will go over everything you need as far as your "clinicals" go. More than likely, she'll ask you to wear scrubs and have a watch with a second hand on it. You shouldn't need a stethoscope. As far as that first class goes, I would bring any books you were required to buy, a notebook and writing instrument, and an open mind and eagerness to learn!

Being a CNA has been the most rewarding job I've had (though I'm only 27) but more than that, it has inspired me to go on to nursing school. I started a week ago, and my CNA experience has already proven invaluable. Enjoy your experience and if you have questions, post here. Everyone is more than willing to help out!

Yes, you should find out from the instructor what you need for your clinical days on the first day of class....but I'd assume you'll need scrubs for clinical....and no stethoscope. I'd bring a small notebook and pen that you can keep in one of your scrub pockets during clinical. Other than that, decent shoes and a smile!!


Any specifics for shoes?

(Sorry I'm SOOO new to this, just trying to get a head start)

I bought some cushy nursing shoes from a nursing supply store when I bought my scrubs. They work really well, but I can't remember the brand. I see a lot of people in Crocs, but I can't imagine actually wearing them! Last night one of the gals in my class was in crocs, and we did showers.......her socks were soaked a whole lot more than mine were in regular shoes. You can also get inserts for your shoes. Just makes sure they're comfortable because you'll be on your feet a whole lot.


I just graduated today from my cna class I take my red cross test on friday:uhoh3:My strong advice if your in california ,I dont know about other places, but red cross sells the nurse assistant review manual preperation for test taking. It list 40 skills you need to know for your state exam, it shows you step by step, how to make a occupied bed, how to do a bed bath, how to do range of motion ect. start learning them asap. you will not perform all 40, but you do not know which ones, you will have to perform, until the day of the exam. the book cost me 28.00. take notes on your lectures. get a jump start on learning to take blood pressure, reading a upright weight and height scale. my whole class is freakin out because of the skills part of the test, so start learning them right away. hope this helps

I just graduated today from my cna class I take my red cross test on friday:uhoh3:My strong advice if your in california ,I dont know about other places, but red cross sells the nurse assistant review manual preperation for test taking. It list 40 skills you need to know for your state exam, it shows you step by step, how to make a occupied bed, how to do a bed bath, how to do range of motion ect. start learning them asap. you will not perform all 40, but you do not know which ones, you will have to perform, until the day of the exam. the book cost me 28.00. take notes on your lectures. get a jump start on learning to take blood pressure, reading a upright weight and height scale. my whole class is freakin out because of the skills part of the test, so start learning them right away. hope this helps

Great advice! I'm in Cali and going doing my pre-reqs right now for RN, but will be planning on taking CNA classes this summer....great advice.....thanks!

my clinical teacher suggested this book, NURSING ASSISTANT REVIEW MANUAL- PREPARATION FOR TESTING. I also tried the red cross web sight, when I was looking for it, it wasnt there. I tried amazon but it didn't have a photo of it, so I didn't take the chance. I actually called Red Cross in santa cruz. I had to go there to buy it. it is a large book that is purple across the top, the other half is white, it has the red cross logo on the left corner. it is actually published by Red Cross. a few of my classmates purchased the book in salinas red cross, If your not near here try calling around, to different red crosses.( its a must have). We got the official class nursing assistant book from our class, that was all the theory stuff. it didnt show you step by step how to perform each skill. I took my skill test and written exam today, I studied this red cross book like the bible, and I passed,:lol2: it is a emotional time, but it was nerve racking trying to learn all these skills, I didnt know about the book until well into the class. our class was big so the teacher split the class for clinical. Unfortunatley the other half of the class, who went to one nursing home, wasnt told about this book, (some teachers , if it wasnt there idea, they dont endorse it. thats just wrong!!! Our teacher told us about the book. well 4 people from there group failed the skills. our group got together the day before the test and physically went over the skills in detail with this book. the red cross exam is common sense, not hard at all once you finish the class, you know the answers, easy, multiple choice. let me know if I can help you any further. ( I do have to say the hardest part is saying goodbye to your classmates, you bond after all the stress,and laughter together) have fun with it

I just graduated today from my cna class I take my red cross test on friday:uhoh3:My strong advice if your in california ,I dont know about other places, but red cross sells the nurse assistant review manual preperation for test taking. It list 40 skills you need to know for your state exam, it shows you step by step, how to make a occupied bed, how to do a bed bath, how to do range of motion ect. start learning them asap. you will not perform all 40, but you do not know which ones, you will have to perform, until the day of the exam. the book cost me 28.00. take notes on your lectures. get a jump start on learning to take blood pressure, reading a upright weight and height scale. my whole class is freakin out because of the skills part of the test, so start learning them right away. hope this helps

i think i will buy that book because my red cross test will be in december and i plan to only take it once ..if i'm spending 90 bucks for a test i better pass it!

Just to let you know the ones who failed on the skills part either did not check the pt ID band, also a few did not pass vitals, make sure when you take vitals you count for a full minute!!! if you only count for 30 sec and times it times 2 you may fail. someone did that and failed skills. also be able to explain how you performed these six principles of patient care.( dignity, safety, communication, infection control, independance, privacy) one person could not explain how they provided independance to the pt, they failed for that. I am not trying to scare you, It may be a bit different where you are, maybe not as picky. I also noticed and was shocked, the way you learn skills in the book, and the proper way to do things are sometimes not the way it is being done in reality at the nursing home.for your test just follow the book, remember to perform the six principles of pt care on each skill, if you get nervous in the middle of doing a skill for red cross, just stop, take a minute, think and proceed. I had to do that a few times, because it is nerve racking.:idea: make new friends and enjoy the adventure!!!

Good Morning,

I am two weeks away from starting my classes. Thanks for all the advice that you have given on this thread.

Could someone please recomend a good training book? I am going to call the Red Cross but since they don't offer the classes here, I have no hopes of finding the book either.

Thanks again!

Sweet Lily

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