A few questions on Nursing.

Nurses General Nursing


Hi everyone, I'm now registered and onto the forums, here i come. I hope I posted in the right place. Sorry if i didn't !

I going to be a senior in high school, and planning to choose nursing as a major in Chicago. (planning to go to UIC, since I heard they're in the top ten for having the best nursing programs)

Anyways, I have a few questions that gives me doubt in choosing a nursing career.

1) Just making sure, I know this is stupid, but you DO need a degree in nursing to be a nurse right? Non-grads can't get one since they don't have a degree? (in Hong Kong, a while back, anyone could be a nurse, but that's from one family member, don't know if it's true, so I'm making sure about this degree thing)

b) if you're a non-grad and you can still get a job in a nursing, is there any difference to a grad with a degree in nursing?

2) I'm planning to do a double major, so are there any majors that are generally having the same pre-requisite classes. I know it's different from school to school, but still, how about your school? I don't think it's THAT different.

3) Any AP classes should I be taking before I go to college ?!?


:idea:Yes, you need a degree in college to be a nurse, even an lpn. You can take a course at a hospital or nursing home, or even at the Red Cross to be a CNA ( Certified Nursing Assistant) but that is not a license only a certificate. These classes are only five weeks through the Red Cross.;) CNAs only help people with Activities of Daily Living, such as baths and turning in bed and etc. They don't do anything medical except take vitals ( blood pressure, pulse and temp ). I think you can become a CNA if you are 18, but you may need to be a HS grad first. If you want to be a nurse, a CNA certificate can allow you to be around nursing to see what you like. Some Hospitals, ( like mine) will even help you go to college! Talk to the college you want to attend about HS classes to help you, science and math are always good. You need algebra and biology or anatomy type sciences. I don't know about double majors, I am only getting an A.A.S. ( RN)! Good luck to you!;)

Hi everyone, I'm now registered and onto the forums, here i come. I hope I posted in the right place. Sorry if i didn't !I going to be a senior in high school, and planning to choose nursing as a major in Chicago. (planning to go to UIC, since I heard they're in the top ten for having the best nursing programs)

Anyways, I have a few questions that gives me doubt in choosing a nursing career.

1) Just making sure, I know this is stupid, but you DO need a degree in nursing to be a nurse right? Non-grads can't get one since they don't have a degree? (in Hong Kong, a while back, anyone could be a nurse, but that's from one family member, don't know if it's true, so I'm making sure about this degree thing)

b) if you're a non-grad and you can still get a job in a nursing, is there any difference to a grad with a degree in nursing?

2) I'm planning to do a double major, so are there any majors that are generally having the same pre-requisite classes. I know it's different from school to school, but still, how about your school? I don't think it's THAT different.

3) Any AP classes should I be taking before I go to college ?!?


Actually, many LVNs in California graduate from programs that do not grant college degrees. And even RNs can graduate from a diploma program....they do not receive a college degree, depending on which one they attend.

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