A and p 2 and o chem

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi there this is my last quarte at my community college for my associates of pre nursing! I am taking organic chemistry and anatomy and physiology 2 my questions is what is learne over a and p 2? What should I do to make sure I succeed in it? Also do you think a and p2 is easier or harder than one? I know most states don't require organic chemistry for pre nursing students but in wa we do :/ does anyone have any tips or advice for that class? Thank you

I took A&P1 last semester & I am getting ready to start A&P 2 in a week! From what I understand A&P1 was about the overall structure of the body (cells, tissues, bones and muscles) and A&P2 covers the individual systems (such as circulatory, urinary, and respiratory). From others I have talked to A&P2 is a bit easier if you have completed A&P1 - you know what instructors expect, how to study, and you are more prepared for the level of intensity! For me flash cards, study groups, and youtube lectures helped me survive A&P1 lol. I have no current experience with organic chem - so no help there. Best of luck this semester!!

Specializes in ICU.

At my school A&P I focuses mainly on bones, muscles, cells, and tissues. Getting the basics down. A&P II goes over the systems. We started with blood and went through the circulatory, respitory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. There is a lot to memorize and learn. I thought I was a little easier than II. I have advanced physiology this semester which I hear is killer.

Hello stephaniesoto,

A&PII was a continuation of what was taught in A&PI. You're expected to know the information given in A&PI... that means while you're on break REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW. This way you are guaranteed a better semester because you won't have to go back through your notes unnecessarily. In my opinion, A&PII is not harder because you're only building upon what you already know. To succeed in this class and organic chemistry, RECORD the lectures, take notes during class, ask questions, and review the lecture later THAT day. A wise tip is to manage your time because if you don't it will become a handful. Also, color coding folders and pens for each class is helpful.

If you implement these tips you have nothing to worry about, Isa_salud :yes:

I thought A&P2 was a lot easier and more fun than A&P1. You learn the systems, how they function and how they connect. It's still very in-depth but everything starts to come together more! As far as O-chem, I'm no help because I haven't taken it. Good luck though and congratulations on being so close to the end of pre reques!

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