A major Victory

Nurses Recovery


Today I had my meeting with the Board of Nursing requesting my exception to a board order. I am in the TPAPN program. I am required for a psychiatrist and counselor once a month and random testing and my support group. 

I asked to be released from tpapn and have my file be directly placed with the Board. 

I was granted a release from tpapn. 

my file is going with the Board and I am now allowed to have a nurse practitioner and counselor. As far as I am understanding. A psychiatrist in this circumstance is very hard to find. 
I am required to have my employer supervision.


I due hope I make it through this. One facility the nurse refused to monitor me. There is so many ups and downs... I clear hr and don a administrator all for nurse to say no.


I do hope employers and other nurses will go more with this flow because nurses should be allowed to have set backs.


I just hope now I can continue...  I do owe my psychiatrist and counselor a lot however those people are so very rare.


I was so nervous even the board executive got on the phone. I will be more sure with what was granted when I get the new order in the mail. I believe I was released from random testing and support group. However I was so nervous all I could say was OK and thanks....  no telling what they thought about me. 


This is really hard to read what all goes into this. I can’t believe they go as far as drawing blood for test. I think that is crazy... I was browsing through some of the Board orders and there was a foreign person here that went through nursing school and got her Lvn and was also hospitalized with schiphorenia and she was here on an F-1 visa from China or Hong Kong....  she was not able to fulfill her new tpapn contract due to the time limit and got revoked....  if I did all this from another country and that happened I wouldn’t know what to think or do....


it’s not just being a perfect nurse with no mistakes or also a perfect person with no criminal record....you could be a buss driver and have the lives of someone else in your hands....  heaven forbid not make any mistake.

Specializes in Addiction, Recovery, Psych.

You will conquer this challenge!! I just know it. You’re a testament to progress.

That’s a very nice thing to say. I have so many questions that that I could spend the rest of my life asking anyone who listens or is interested in what nurses or other careers have to say or ask. At least there is resolution possible with some of this. However were not alone in this world as far as I know. I do have more the. One question. However I should ask around or try to find the answers before just screaming or waiting to long. I have so many questions in my own circumstances when I started out in 2009. 

I only made it a couple of years and there were many ups and downs. However I do like to talk a lot. And were all somewhat different

Apparently no further schooling required. And seeing the World close I wonder also. Education centers closing where is the power company?

Government Closure I would think so

Does anyone know who asked for the USA to close all businesss? Public?

Happy holidays everyone stay strong 

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