A blatant discrimination to all filipino nurses

World International


The upsurge of Filipino Nurses has turned heads in New Zealand specifically in the New Zealand Nursing Council. That because the number of graduates has increased in the recents years, they are reluctant to register Filipino nurses.

David Wills (Nursing Council Director) was quoted "It is easier to get a fresh graduate from Kenya registered than someone from the Philippines."

For a nurse to be registered in New Zealand or even in Australia, he/she has to undergo a bridging program for a certain period. This is done under the watchful eye of the council therefore anyone who passes this program is legible to acquire a license to practice. This should be their gauge if the nurse has met their standards or not. It should not be based from increasing number of nurse graduates alone.

Here's the link: http://www.journal.com.ph/index.php?issue=2009-03-01&sec=1&aid=86631

The issue must resolve first in our country, The government must stop the influx of nursing schools and set high standards and rigid testing of professors for newly open schools. Some investors are opening schools just for the money; strict compliance to the curriculum set by the professional Regulation must be adhered by the respective nursing institution in the country.. Money leeching schools should be shun away by the prospective students and go to credible schools instead.

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