A&P 1 Spring 08


Hi y'all! Anybody taking A&P 1 this coming spring semester? I'm trying to get as many pre-req's out of the way as possible and could use a study buddy or 2! Thanks! :)

I'm looking to start with A&P I in the spring even though registration isn't for another month or so. I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to take it alone or with another class. I am so scared. This will be my first class toward my prerequisites and it feels like I have such a long way to go!


God bless you for putting those links up Allie! I haven't really taken any Bio classes since high school (unless you count my attempted A&P)...which was about 6 years ago...so I'm terrified too. I've wanted to be a nurse since I was in high school but I didn't think I could make it because the college I go to has a program that is just downright evil. At the time I didn't have the option of transferring schools so I just went ahead and finished up a degree in CJ. You're absolutely right that it's a "calling" to be a nurse. I've never been able to get nursing out of my head and now I'm going back to follow my dream once and for all. I'm like you, I want it so bad I can taste it! In 10 years I hope to be working at a hospital in OB/L&D or NICU. I love moms and babies so it would be amazing to work with them! It really doesn't matter though, as long as I can be a nurse I'll be happy! Are you trying to get your ASN or BSN? I'm not sure which program I'll be attending...basically whichever one accepts me first, ha.

PS - Don't worry FutureRN, you'll be just fine! That's why we're getting this group together so that we all make it through this class (and hopefully other classes). I feel like I've got a long way to go too, this is the first of the science prereqs I'm trying to get out of the way. It's an uphill battle but I think it's worth it in the end.

Add me to the list! I'm taking A&P I next semester, along with intro to nutrition.

I'm going to take one more class, but not sure which one yet :idea:

Also planning to take A & P 1 this spring... glad to see I'm not alone!

King03, don't feel bad. I haven't taken a college course in fourteen years!

Specializes in Telemetry and Psych.

I forgot to add this earlier this morning. I went to the local library about 3 weeks ago and checked out a couple of A&P books as well.

There is one book in particular that I like and will be using as along with the class that I believe will help me understand a little better.

It's called: Straight A's in Anatomy and Physiology a review series.

You can also purchase this book on Amazon.com. They have other series that are with different areas in medical field as well. There's a cd that comes with the disk that have test questions as well as questions that are set up like the NCLEX.

Only 2 more weeks til registration for me. I hope i'll get the class I want. I'm planning on A&P1 and chem. :uhoh21:

I'm excited there's so many of us going through this at the same time, it makes me feel a little less freaked out! Are y'all going to school for your Associates/Bachelors/anything else? I'm applying mostly to ASN programs but there is one BSN program I'll most likely try for (because it's the one that doesn't require chem :lol2:...I HATE chem).

I too am taking A&P I this spring along with my humanities elective or Human Growth and Development. So far I have a 100 average in Chemistry, I hope I can have that kind of success in A&P. I have heard that it is quite hard.

I am currently taking A&P one and advanced composition. as long as you keep up with your readings. you all will do fine. it is really an interesting course. :monkeydance:

Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.

I'm debating between staying here at the 4-year school or transfering to the community college next semester then transfer back to the 4-year school in the fall. The reason being I can't take A&P 1 next semester because it's only offered in the fall and the 1st summer session. Well I couldn't take it this fall because I didn't have the general biology elective. So, basically if I go to the community college next semester I could take A&P 1 and microbiology then take A&P 2 over the summer here at the 4-year school.

I'm curious, who thinks it's a bad idea to take both micro and A&P at the same time?

During my first degree, the course outline for pre nursing majors listed A&P 2 and micro being taken in the same semester.

I really don't see much of a difference other than the fact that A&P 2 is the second half of the course...but isn't it basically the same amount of information?

I'm just trying to save some money, and time if at all possible.

Specializes in Telemetry and Psych.
i'm debating between staying here at the 4-year school or transfering to the community college next semester then transfer back to the 4-year school in the fall. the reason being i can't take a&p 1 next semester because it's only offered in the fall and the 1st summer session. well i couldn't take it this fall because i didn't have the general biology elective. so, basically if i go to the community college next semester i could take a&p 1 and microbiology then take a&p 2 over the summer here at the 4-year school.

hi motivatedone -

if your college isn't offering the a&p 1 during the spring semester and you want to get it done, i would first double check with your advisor regarding taking it at a junior college and if it will affect your application. usually this shouldn't matter but better safe than sorry. if your community college is offering the course i would take it there.

i'm curious, who thinks it's a bad idea to take both micro and a&p at the same time?

during my first degree, the course outline for pre nursing majors listed a&p 2 and micro being taken in the same semester.

i too am planning on taking a&p 2 and micro together fall semester of 2008. i have had friends take them together and they have stated that it's tough but if you are determined, you will be able to make it through. from reading the forums, there are a lot of others who are doing the same thing. i believe it's do-able!

i really don't see much of a difference other than the fact that a&p 2 is the second half of the course...but isn't it basically the same amount of information?

i'm just trying to save some money, and time if at all possible.

sending you the best of luck with your decision. i hope that it all works out for you and you are able to take the class at the community college.


I've known a bunch of people to take A&P 2 and Micro in the same semester. That's what I will hopefully be doing this summer. I know at the school I attend currently A&P 1 is a prereq for Micro, but they list A&P 2 as a coreq. Who knows, maybe it's easier to have them at the same time so the info is still fresh in your mind...here's hoping at least :-). Like Allie said, I would just check with the school and make sure that they accept transfer credits for those courses from community colleges. I know almost all of the schools down here in GA do. Good luck!

I will be taking A&P I and a newer 2 credit pre-req added to the curriculum, Basic Health Profession Skills.

Can't wait to get the pre-reqs done this Spring and then be able to apply for Spring '09!

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