A&P Lecture vs. Lab


For me, lecture is the easier part of A&P because I'm very much an auditory learner. I got a C on the first lecture exam, and a C on the first practical...and of course, a C is what I need to pass the class.

I have another lecture exam this week, and a lab practical a week from Thursday. Generally, I would block off the weekend to study hardcore for the practical, but I'm going on a retreat, and no homework is allowed. How should I balance this?

What about you?

Which do you like better, and what is easier for you?

Specializes in Emergency, Med/Surg, Vascular Access.

Since I've already answered both of your questions, I feel that I should have permission to make one more comment, as a sort of addendum to my last post.

You asked a question to which there is no possible answer and discarded every piece of advice that anyone here tried to give you. My advice going forward would be to stay off this board all together if you can't ask a coherent question and/or receive and take to heart constructive criticism. I wish you the best of luck in your nursing career.

I kinda liked the lab better.

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