A&P experts please help...

Nurses General Nursing


Ok my question is which part of your big toe is the lateral big toe and which part is the medial?

Or it can be worded this way....is the side of your great toe that touches your 2nd toe the medial or lateral aspect of the great toe?

Please show a decent source because I cannot find any online to prove you wrong.

I know what the medical dictionary says, but when it is pertaining to a multilayered part of the body, the medial aspect is the one most inside. For example, with a blood vessel there are several layers. The inner most layer is the medial. I am not sure if this applies to the toes in the sense that "inner" would be considered the area where the middle toe is located. I know the medial aspect of the foot is the inside of the foot, but is this the same with the toes??

Specializes in SICU, Peds CVICU.

Yeah, I'm really confused as to the intent of this post.

What's with the "I wish I could believe you" stuff? I mean, no one's trying to pull the wool over your eyes or anything....

Specializes in Med-Surg, & ED.
Medial: 1. Pertaining to the middle; in or toward the middle; nearer the middle of the body. Medial is as opposed to lateral. For example, the medial side of the knee is the side closest to the other knee whereas the lateral side of the knee is the outside of the knee.

2. Within a multilayered structure, the center layer. The medial layer of the aorta is the middle layer. For example, necrosis of the medial layer of the aorta may lead to aortic rupture.

I agree that the medial aspect of the big toe is toward the inside of foot, not next to the 2nd toe, that'd be lateral.

If you can please read my comment AGAIN...I did mention...medial to be the inside part alining the foot therefor the side left (that is left as remaining, not left side; just to clarify :D) would be the lateral side...which is the side next to the second toe. ahum.....read, read, read is different from understanding what you read.

If you can please read my comment AGAIN...I did mention...medial to be the inside part alining the foot therefor the side left (that is left as remaining, not left side; just to clarify :D) would be the lateral side...which is the side next to the second toe. ahum.....read, read, read is different from understanding what you read.

Wow... if you'd READ my post again, you might realize that I agreed with you!!!! Geez...

So, ahum, ahum... read, read, read, and understand that!! :yeah:

Specializes in Med-Surg, & ED.
Wow... if you'd READ my post again, you might realize that I agreed with you!!!! Geez...

So, ahum, ahum... read, read, read, and understand that!! :yeah:

Good!!!! I thought you were trying to prove me wrong for something.

Well it is the same side as the medial aspect of the foot. If you are writing this for a paper, you do not need a source for something that is considered an accepted fact. This is an accepted fact.

Try looking it up in Taber's, Merck or grab a textbook (I have Saladin's A & P). Better yet Google "medial aspect toe image" as I just did and find a real picture (careful some are a bit gross) in a medical journal article.

Good luck.

Please post a link to an image that clearly marks the medial aspect of the great toe.

The best I have come up with is the medial and lateral sesamoids. However, I cannot find a source that depicts which is lateral and which is medial. That's what I need, as that would win my argument, prove me right, save my documentation, no incident report, etc. etc....

Specializes in Vascular Access.

For example, with a blood vessel there are several layers. The inner most layer is the medial. I am not sure if this applies to the toes in the sense that "inner" would be considered the area where the middle toe is located. I know the medial aspect of the foot is the inside of the foot, but is this the same with the toes??


Just to clarify... The inner most aspect of the blood vessel is NOT the medial... The inner most aspect of a blood vessel is the Tunica Intima. The Tunica Media is next layer (middle layer) then the outermost aspect is the Tunica Adventitia.


Please post a link to an image that clearly marks the medial aspect of the great toe.

The best I have come up with is the medial and lateral sesamoids. However, I cannot find a source that depicts which is lateral and which is medial. That's what I need, as that would win my argument, prove me right, save my documentation, no incident report, etc. etc....



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