Riverside School of Health Careers RN program

U.S.A. Virginia


Hello everyone!

I am looking for current, past, and even prospective students for Riverside's RN program. I will be applying for the September 2013 professional nursing program. For current or past students, what was your GPA and teas score? Also how was the program, instructors, clinicals? I did attend the last open house in December and I was hoping that a student or recent grad would be there to talk about their experience. I love how the instructors seem to be really supportive and the small campus also appealed to me. To other prospective students what start date are you applying to and do you have any other nursing/healthcare experience? Any advice or other information on the program is greatly appreciated! :up:

After my interview, the RN day students were on break. A few of them were outside and I considered talking to them about the program but I didn't want them thinking I'm crazy.

Haha awww maybe I'll see some on Monday! The FB idea sounds good too. I figured none of them are active on here now but thought I would try. I am sure we will find out a lot at orientation it just seems so far! Haha

I know right, it does seem far! But now that we have health form/immunization form to completed, I think time will fly by. With that 8 1/2hr orientation, I'm sure all of our questions will be answered! :)

I absolutely cannot wait! It's going to be great! I just keep stressing about how to pay for everything. I live in vb so I hope none of the clinical sites are too far

I'm nervous about the cost too but my thoughts are if the Lord opened this door up for us he is not going to desert us. He'll make a way, just do your part and have faith girlie!

That's what I've been saying! It's so hard not knowing sometimes. :) do you plan on working during school still?

I feel you, the unknown can be a beast! Yes ma'am, I'll be dropping from full-time to very part-time, working 5 hrs Saturday @ my current job. Thought about picking up a serving shift or two at my old job (if they would let me). Once we finish our first term, I'm going to try to get a tech position at Riverside.

How about you hun, you plan on still working?

Yeah I think every other Saturday at the salon I'm working at and that's it. Then like you said after the first term trying to get a cna job with riverside

I'm praying for childcare assistance through social services because that will lift a huge burden off of my shoulders!

I'll pray for you too! My boyfriend wants to be a social worker one day

That's cool! A few of my friends that I went to college with the first time around (many yrs ago, haha) they are social workers. The two I keep in contact with have their MSWs and love what they do! And thanks for the prayers!

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