Housing in Flagstaff

Specialties Travel


I just accepted an assignment in Flagstaff. I chose to take the stipend, and now I am having a hard time finding housing. I've tried craigslist, google searches, Facebook, everything. Any suggestions????

Posting a housing wanted ad on Craigslist will find stuff not advertised.

Look for property managers in Flagstaff, they will usually post vacancies online. Most cities have a major player or two. Expect higher rent for short leases.

You can also look in actual newspapers for vacancies, but largely you will find ads from property managers. Also try AirB&B and VRBO and see if you can negotiate something reasonable for long term.

Ask your agency for housing they've used in the past. Try third party solutions that many agencies are using: Med Temp Housing and Travelers Haven.

Ned--I do have an ad posted. I am speaking to one person, but the rent is a little pricey. Gonna try and negotiate with her. Figured when we got there we cld drive around looking for rent signs. A lot of times those are just outside the property. Have out some other emails asking about corporate housing also.

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