
Specialties Travel


As I consider taking my first travel assignment, I'm really confused about the tax advantage program. One of the recruiters said that it's a bad idea because the IRS can come back for taxes not paid - Nurses make more than what is taxed. Another says that the per diem is based on tables from the government ( The tax advantage deal sounds so much better, but I don't want IRS problems!

Any help from some seasoned travelers would be great!


Can't anybody give me an ideas on what to do?

Depends on if you will still have a tax base, from where you are travelling from. If you do not, then all of the tax perks can be taxed by the IRS.

Example: If you take a travel assignment and continue to live in your own home, the amount of stipend that you receive for your housing is not tax free. I do know of some agencies that tell you that it is, but it is not, and you will end up owing taxes on that money, along with the penalties.

When in doubt, talk with your tax advisor, do not rely on what your agency is telling you, especially if you are new to the world of travel nursing.

Can't anybody give me an ideas on what to do?

We are a team of volunteers on Staff. Usually it is best to wait patiently and hear from someone, a poster, who has had similiar experiences.

We are NOT tax advisors (nor do we play one on TV). Like Suzanne stated, talk with a tax advsisor. An ounce of checking in with a professional, may save you oodles of money.

Have you checked with the site? It has a wealth of information regarding the per diem variations from state to state.

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