Austin Community College - ACC - Spring '12 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Texas


Heyyyy everyone! There isn't a thread yet for the Spring '12 hopefuls, so I thought I'd start one :clown:

I just finished Microbiology, College Algebra and 4 of my 5 coreq's, and all I have left is Physiology, Pharmacology and Human Growth & Development to take in the Spring '11. Woohoo! I'm so excited. Anyone else out there applying for that semester? :D :up:

P.S. Haha! I don't know why, but the title inserted a sad face in it. It was supposed to be a little pig :smackingf haha!

Just many points did y'all have?

I originally applied for Fall 2011 with a 53.4 and was 11 people shy of getting in. I reapplied for Spring 2012 with a 62.19.

Just curious for my sister. She also applied for the Fall. Reapplied with 55.7 and didn't get in. :( She is in the nursing skills class now.

I had 60. May be she will get in the 2nd round

I also had a 55.8 or so and did not get in. I am wondering if people actually defer?

Does anyone know how many they actually accepted? I am curious to see if they cut the class sizes even more since last semester. I think almost 20 people deferred last semester so fingers crossed for you.

anyone on here who just got accepted for spring 12 at EVC?

Yup. Just got my criminal background check back. Ordered my scrubs. Scheduled my physical. etc. You going to the Jump Start on Dec. 2nd?

Im planning on going. I have a volleyball class that day but i guess i will miss it. I need to do the background check, order the lab pack, tb test, cpr, yeah pretty much everything...

We should start a Facebook page for the Spring 12 people.

I got in for Spring at EVC! SO EXCITED!!! Congratz to everyone who made it, and to those who didn't, hang in there. It's all about hurry up and wait...

Who is going to the Jump Start Workshop this Friday at EVC?

Has anyone found a BLS for Health Professionals CPR class for less than $50?

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