TN Wesleyan Fall 2012

U.S.A. Tennessee


Anyone else waiting for their letter? They go out Friday!

I'll take the sciences over these other classes any day! Literature is not something I enjoy much! :-)

I'll take the sciences over these other classes any day! Literature is not something I enjoy much! :-)

Same here! Good luck!

Thanks - you too!

Do you have your CPR certification yet? I did mine a couple of years ago so I'm going to go ahead and retake it to refresh my memory.

My Certification ran out last year so I have to take it again. I went to the open house TWC had last Sunday and they said the packet coming in June would have info about taking it in August. I might try to take it before then though..

Yeah, I'll probably go ahead and get it out of the way. It said in the letter they sent that it was due by Aug. 1st so I want to make sure I get it in. I would hate for something to come up and me not be able to get into a class or something!

Did they say anything else interesting at the Open House? I thought about going but didn't think it would be informative for those already accepted.

Honestly it wasn't all that informative. I needed to see about a class there this summer. I found out a little more of what our schedule will be like...I don't know how much you already know? But I guess we spend a few weeks prior to clinicals doing full time labs down at Fort Sanders(?) and then start at nursing homes.. We're there for 4 weeks before we switch to clinicals at either FS or Parkwest for the remainder of Fall 2012. Also clinicals for spring 2013 include two sets of 3 rotations- two weeks a piece! Sounds like we'll never be bored! I'll probably try to fit my CPR class in before then also.. There's already much to do in august.

Awesome! Nancy told me all about the schedule when I met with her but that was almost a year ago. All the info is great to know!

Do you want to try to meetup for the CPR course? It might be nice to know someone going into the program before we start!

I'm probably going to take CPR before August, or at least try to! We can definitely take it together. Are the sending a schedule with the info that's going out in June?

Do you have Facebook? I haven't seen a TWC group on there but I thought of making one..

Haha I was thinking of starting a Facebook group too!I assume they will be sending schedule stuff in June but I'm not really sure. I'm anxious to get more info! : )

Maybe I'll start a group then.. I'm anxious too.. I'm so impatient! :) June can't get here fast enough.

I thought everything would be good once the wait for our acceptance letters was over but now I'm ready for the next phase!

Looking at the Red Cross website they only have two CPR classes in Knoxville before August - May 19 and June 16.

It would be awesome to get a group started and begin getting to know everyone. I think that would give us one less thing to worry about when school starts!

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