Cath lab? ICU burnout

Nursing Students SRNA


I've been working in SICU for about 2 years. I got on the alternate list at one CRNA school and have just submitted my app to another school. I am set on being a CRNA. I love SI, but honestly I'm on the verge of a burnout. I work off shifts, we've had some major staffing issues that haven't been resolved over a period of months (we are chronically short staffed), and staff morale has been very low lately. While I love the work, the environment is really bringing me down and affecting my attitude (I'm usually a very opimistic/flexible person, I'm actually known for this).

There is an opening in our cardiac cath lab and I'm meeting with the NM there tomorrow am to discuss me possibly transferring to CCL. I have several reasons for considering this: 1.) The environment in SI as described above, 2.) I know people who've been applying to CRNA school for 3+ years (at more than one school) and have not been accepted (been put on the alternate list over and over and over) who seem to have all the right qualifications. These people have become burnt out ICU nurses with bad attitudes. I don't want this to happen to me. 3.) I feel like I'd like a taste of something different than ICU (I started this position as a new grad, it's all I know/have been exposed to) in the meantime until I'm accepted to CRNA school. There's potential for me to learn a ton in CCL, and the patients can still be critical. 4.) The CCL position would put me on a regular M-F schedule (with occasional call)....need I say more :)

I guess I'd like feedback on what you all think about making the transfer over to cath lab. Would this be a horrible idea as far as ruining my chances at getting accepted into school? I'm torn because I know CRNA programs look for & expect ICU experience (and we have a great SI with tons of open hearts, neurosurg, general surg, & ortho), but at the same time I would love to try out the cath lab. I should also mention that I don't want to leave my current hospital because the benefits are amazing and just can't be match anywhere else in this area. Any and all advice is welcomed!!!

I would talk to the school that you are on the alternate list about what you can do to improve your app for next year if you don't get in this year. Maybe talk to the program director about how you would like to try CCL but still want to apply again if you don't get in this year. I am sure the school will give you the real opinion that you need! Best of luck!

While I never condone working somewhere you are unhappy, check with your top choice anesthesia programs and see if they will consider CCL in lieu of ICU experience. Some may... others certainly will not :nono:

Specializes in ER/ICU, CCRN, SRNA (class of 2010).

Take a vacation!!! I have been a nurse for a short while and the cathlab looks like a step in the wrong direction, if CRNA is your ultimate goal. I am curious what the CRNA programs would think of it???

Specializes in CVICU, CCRN, now SRNA.

I imagine most NA schools agree with the AANA that there's a reason why critical care nursing is a pre-req. It's understandable that you may not like your current unit, but when you say you want to try something other than ICU, I wonder about your capacity/desire for CRNA. Maybe it's not the field for you.

If you strongly disagree with this, then pursue another ICU. There's no way an NA school is going to look favorably at a change to CCL. If you say you're on the verge of burn-out, what do you imagine NA school will do to you? You might say, "well, that's different--I would be preparing for anesthesia." But your situation now is the same, and turning away from ICU is a turn away from anesthesia. I think the schools will pick up on this. If you want to try CCL, I would do it after you're accepted to an NA program.


I would say move to the cath lab. I also worked in ICU for 3 years got burned out and moved to Interventional Radiology. I start anesthesia school in August 07. I have learned so much working in radiology. The Cath lab has great experience. You have served your time. You will get alot of hands on experience with balloon pumps and lots of drips. Good Luck.

What about going to cath lab but staying on prn in the unit? That way you can still keep your unit experience fresh on your application, and you'll be a well rounded applicant with a broader experience base.

I dont know... I think most people would *definitely* see Cath Lab as a step down in intensity from ICU, and I dont think it would look good at all.

It might not be the ICU part that's the problem... it might just be that unit.

Ive been in several CTICU's.. and some are AWFUL and some are so fun! Its the people (esp managers and docs) who can make it bad.

Can you go to another hospital?

I mean I saw that you said "oh i just cant leave" but a lot of people say that because they are comfortable and dont want to go someplace new and start over.

Most hospitals have great benefits, and really if its to the point where youre ready to take a step back from your big goal of going to CRNA school... what's more impt?

Just a thought.

It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself and others that the transfer is a "good" move. If your ultimate goal is to become a CRNA transferring to a cath lab should not even be an option. Maybe another ICU ( different pt population). Although cath lab is an acute area, it is not as acute as the SICU. You will not get the daily grind of the ICU acuity that is required for NA school. I see someone already suggested working prn in the ICU to keep your skills up. Honestly, if you hate it that much, do you think you will ever sign up for an ICU shift especially working M-F with on- call. I can not imagine if you only have weekends off, you are not going to spend it in an ICU. You may also get so comfortable with the " great" hours and may never re apply for school. Another thing that comes to mind is that if you continue to persue CRNA while working in the cath lab you will probably forget everything you were taught in ICU that is pertinent for NA school.

I felt/still feel like I am burned out. I have been a nurse almost ten years and working ICU's for 3.5yrs ( SICU, MICU, CVICU). I can't not wait to start CRNA school in Jan! I was determined to stay in ICU until i was accepted regardless of how burned out I felt. Leaving was not an option unless I gave up on my dreams of becoming a CRNA. Im glad I hung in there. It'll be well worth it in the end. I am really looking forward to putting this behind me (cleaning butts, taking care of two patients, etc..).

Good Luck in your decision.

Specializes in MICU & SICU.

Many schools that I have research have specifically stated that you must remain in the ICU up until you go to school. It probably has been said prior but get experience in another ICU. I had planned on going to the open heart unit from the SICU if I didn't get into school this year. I would not leave the ICU because if you are having trouble getting in now you will really have trouble getting in then. If you do get an interview you will then have to defend why you made that decision and burnout is not the answer they are looking to here from you especially after 2 years.

If you are having trouble getting into school try adding certifications if you don't have them already (CCRN, TNCC). Take some MSN classes. Broaden your applications beyond schools you really want to go to.

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