Just Amazed

Specialties School


I can't believe how rude teachers / staff are. I had 13 kids in my clinic. An asthma attack, 2 head injuries, a fever, 2 peepee pants etc, etc. STANDING ROOM ONLY!! One staff member comes in wanting me to check her blood pressure because she is just curious to know (no complaints at all). Another teacher questions why I told the kid with broken glasses to come back later. Ughhhhh, do you not see the kid in the corner turning blue around the lips? That's why! Another teacher comes demanding to know why I am keeping the peepe pants kid so long because he is missing a test. Well, blue lips in the corner over there and I ran out of all clothes 2 months ago. Seriously I am one person! Somebody is going to have to wait. Why do people at school think everything should be done t the drop of a hat? I am waiting for the day when I am performing CPR and somebody tells me I need to stop because there is a kid with a paper cut who desperately needs my immediate attention. Ok, vent over! Thanks for listening.

The Nuns that I had in Catholic School uses to call us names all of the time. Of course it was a different time and most of the Nuns I had are rotting in Hell now.

oh boy... :) well it's like nightie-night nurse said - she was describing the problem with a name... and not saying the kid's real name.... I had a student who used to poop their pants every day @ 1:00 because this child wanted to go home.... I suppose if I was talking about it, I would have said something along the same lines for that student.

Thanks to all of you who have jumped to my defense! I truly did not know my rant would cause such a fuss. I have not posted in a while before this post and was just looking for support and understanding.

Specializes in kids.

You would not even believe the names that came to my mind today (when I was desperately looking for a girl who has seizures that may be triggered by strobe lights ), when we had a fire drill today...why could I not find her you ask? oh...she is now HOME SCHOOLED and NO ONE told me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was on the radio trying to locate her, trying to speak in code so as not to be discussing a kiddo on a public airwave, disagreeing with someone when they said she was home schooled .....YA! I looked like a moron!!!!!!!! The "name" for the person in guidance who should have told me does not bear repeating.......

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