I need a Vote to help me decide

Specialties School


Junior High $34,342 11 miles away 900 kids or

Elementary $38,300 22 miles away 900 kids. Which sounds the best and which one would you choose?

Well, now that I got the job, I have another dilemma. I gave my resignation 2 weeks notice, August 16,2005 and my last day for August 28, 2005. Then when the school hired me and signed my contract they told be to start August 22, 2005 to be trained by the leaving nurse. 2 days and then a sub would come the remaining 3 days. HR left it up to the clinic Director who was in a bad mood since 2 others had already quit. She said he could ok it, well he won't unless I have the school nurse fax him saying that I need to work Monday, August 22 and Tuesday, August 23 and then he wants me to come back to the hosp clinic and work August 24, 25, and 26 and then he says he still would have to think about it whether to ok less than 2 weeks notice which he says is 11 days but it's 13 days counting Sat and Sun and says regardless, it's less than 14 days. HR says it would be a shame having 10 years at the hosp and receive inelgible for rehire. They emailed each other back and forth once I told them my dilemma. He's throwing his weight around and then turns around and says he understands a person with a family situation. So if I work the 13 days he is still not promising anything. Should I stay or just go?

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

Myself, I would just go. I'd document what happened, so that when you use this hospital as a reference and they say you're not eligible for rehire, you can explain to future potential employers what happened. Now that you've given notice at the other job, if you tried to rescind it, they wouldn't even be obliged to do so. Even if they let you take it back, chances are they'd be waiting for the other shoe to drop, and might find a way to make you leave anyway. IMHO, once you say you're going, it is better to go, even under unfortunate circumstances such as these.

Two weeks notice is NOT 14 days - that is almost 3 weeks notice. Two weeks notice is 10 days. Two weeks of 5 full time days.

Tell the school your present job is giving you grief about not giving the required 2 weeks notice. Ask if they can give you, what, 2 more days? They would need to pay the sub for however many of the TEN days are left, but don't go there. Ask if they can make this additional accomodation, period. The district should have provided the job offer in time for you to give the 2 weeks notice.

If they won't, then make a decision. If you worked at this hospital for so many years, are they really not going to hire back a nurse who only gave 1 1/2 weeks notice??????????

Well, now that I got the job, I have another dilemma. I gave my resignation 2 weeks notice, August 16,2005 and my last day for August 28, 2005. Then when the school hired me and signed my contract they told be to start August 22, 2005 to be trained by the leaving nurse. 2 days and then a sub would come the remaining 3 days. HR left it up to the clinic Director who was in a bad mood since 2 others had already quit. She said he could ok it, well he won't unless I have the school nurse fax him saying that I need to work Monday, August 22 and Tuesday, August 23 and then he wants me to come back to the hosp clinic and work August 24, 25, and 26 and then he says he still would have to think about it whether to ok less than 2 weeks notice which he says is 11 days but it's 13 days counting Sat and Sun and says regardless, it's less than 14 days. HR says it would be a shame having 10 years at the hosp and receive inelgible for rehire. They emailed each other back and forth once I told them my dilemma. He's throwing his wait around and then turns around and says he understands a person with a family situation. So if I work the 13 days he is still not promising anything. Should I stay or just go?


Myself, I would just go. I'd document what happened, so that when you use this hospital as a reference and they say you're not eligible for rehire, you can explain to future potential employers what happened. Now that you've given notice at the other job, if you tried to rescind it, they wouldn't even be obliged to do so. Even if they let you take it back, chances are they'd be waiting for the other shoe to drop, and might find a way to make you leave anyway. IMHO, once you say you're going, it is better to go, even under unfortunate circumstances such as these.
Well, now that I got the job, I have another dilemma. I gave my resignation 2 weeks notice, August 16,2005 and my last day for August 28, 2005. Then when the school hired me and signed my contract they told be to start August 22, 2005 to be trained by the leaving nurse. 2 days and then a sub would come the remaining 3 days. HR left it up to the clinic Director who was in a bad mood since 2 others had already quit. She said he could ok it, well he won't unless I have the school nurse fax him saying that I need to work Monday, August 22 and Tuesday, August 23 and then he wants me to come back to the hosp clinic and work August 24, 25, and 26 and then he says he still would have to think about it whether to ok less than 2 weeks notice which he says is 11 days but it's 13 days counting Sat and Sun and says regardless, it's less than 14 days. HR says it would be a shame having 10 years at the hosp and receive inelgible for rehire. They emailed each other back and forth once I told them my dilemma. He's throwing his weight around and then turns around and says he understands a person with a family situation. So if I work the 13 days he is still not promising anything. Should I stay or just go?

Realistically, by the time you decide you want to return to the hospital, the management team might have already turned over. HR is just using a little psychological warfare on you. After 10 years of service, you made a timing error, but it clearly was not intentional. Lets put it this way, when and if you try to return to the hospital and they have advertised job openings; if they refuse to hire you and cite this situation, tell them you will have your attorney contact them for clarification as to why and would they please send you a copy of the policy that specifically states that nurses not giving 2 weeks notice are not eligible for rehire. The policy doesnt exist, trust me!. A two week notice is always desirable, but sometimes not possible for any number of reasons and cannot be enforced. Dont email anyone who is threatening you. Send a polite and to the point Certified letter and get a return receipt and save it. Address it to the highest ranking person in the hospital, IE the CEO with a copy to the chief nursing officer.Your letter should explain the unusual circumstances of your early departure and politely indicate how "disappointed" you were to be told you would be ineligible for rehire by HR after serving the facility for 10 years and put the full name of the HR person in your letter. You shouldnt have any trouble going forward if you do this

Junior High $34,342 11 miles away 900 kids or

Elementary $38,300 22 miles away 900 kids. Which sounds the best and which one would you choose?

Go for the 2nd one. Even with the price of gas it would be hard to pass up that amount of money. Good luck to you!

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