Nursing Program Classes compared to A&P?

Nursing Students ADN/BSN


So I barely passed A&P I with a C. I could have gotten a B but was too worn out to study for the final so I failed it and accepted a C. I'm in A&P II now and it is really hard. I'm kind of confused because I've always been smart. I was in gifted and talented classes in middle school, and in high school was in honors and AP classes. I don't understand why this is so hard for me now. Okay I do, I have small children and my hubby is military so he is always gone (currently deployed) I don't work though. Is every single class in nursing school going to be as hard or harder as A&P II? I know I can do it, but I don't know if I have the self discipline to force myself to do what is necessary (ie study) after laundry, dinner, baths, etc.... Do I have 2 years of an uphill battle ahead of me?

Specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

You have no idea. I have 3 degrees, including a Masters degree and nothing has been harder that nursing school. In my non-nursing classes, straight As. Nursing I have one A, one B, and the rest are Cs. I have never gotten below a B in anything but one inorganic chemistry class. I, too have children (7 and 10) and up until this, my last semester, worked 12-15 hours a week. It is doable, but it is hard. It is well worth it, I think, but it is the hardest thing I have ever done.

You can do it!!!!!!

Nursins school is hard but you learn to prioritize a big plus is whether you have a support system this is extremely important. I had the lowest nursing grade C+ with the beginning course due to lack of support and personal issues but towards the end the last 3 courses which are considered the hardest .I did much better ; I went up a grade. You stay focused and trust your self and your study habits.

Nurisng school is hard and very time consuming! For me i feel like it's more time consuming than anything. I remember when i took A&P i had a hard time with it and i barely got a B- but A&P is more memorization, where as nurisng classes are more applying what you know to different situations so i actually find it easier. The biggest thing with nursing classes is to just stay on top of it and be confident, it will seem overwhelming at times but dont give up. Good luck!

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